Will we ever get factory tail caps for the LED mini mags?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2008
A place in need of light.
Since the new Mini Mag LED lights are not compatible with the older style aftermarket tail caps :mecry:"such as the clicky ones" is there any new products available for the new LED variants. Or does any one know if any will be introduced in the near future?
I emailed Mag Instruments a couple of years back to see if they had any plans to produce a clicky tailcap. The answer was no.
Since the new Mini Mag LED lights are not compatible with the older style aftermarket tail caps :mecry:"such as the clicky ones" is there any new products available for the new LED variants. Or does any one know if any will be introduced in the near future?

I've never had a MiniMage LED in hand yet. For what reason are tailcaps not compatible?
I've never had a MiniMage LED in hand yet. For what reason are tailcaps not compatible?


Regular 2AA Minimag on the left, 2AA LED Minimag on the right.
stellar descision making there....

"okay lets give them LEDs, but lets make them incompetable with our older products so they cant use aftermarket parts what have been around to help us for so long"


You can actually use an add-on tail cap with the MagLED. I used the NiteIze clicky(not the IQ switch, the regular one), all I had to do was stretch the spring and it worked. The light flickers if you shake vigorously, but other than that it works fine.
You can actually use an add-on tail cap with the MagLED. I used the NiteIze clicky(not the IQ switch, the regular one), all I had to do was stretch the spring and it worked. The light flickers if you shake vigorously, but other than that it works fine.

Do you know if the IQ switch would work to if you stretched the spring out the same?
I was just looking at my NiteIze IQ switch to see if it would work.

If I could attach a longer spring to it, it would probably do the trick. I didn't want to try and stretch the spring in case it breaks.
You can actually use an add-on tail cap with the MagLED. I used the NiteIze clicky(not the IQ switch, the regular one), all I had to do was stretch the spring and it worked. The light flickers if you shake vigorously, but other than that it works fine.

I used a magnet, bought through Lighthound for 18650 cells that didn't have the button top.