*withdrawn* a very bad post.

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Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

1,they did not listen to feedback?uh,the clip?
2,they only work with new batteries?they will leave you in the dark!!!
3,LOL,they are no better than a "REX".
4,the anodising is "hand painted lol"
5,why use a plastic lens,oh to reduce the light output:candle:

6,They state UI,crap?you can't use it,so many ghosts in the machine!!lol

7,henry,if you can beat this? you are on a winner.:party:
Are you having problems with your light?
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

I'm not sure what to make of this.

2. Why do you think it works only with "new" batteries? Whatever that means... Have you actually tested this yourself?

3. With what metrics are you saying it's no better than a REX? Durability? Water-proof depth rating?

4. The anodizing looks real to me, no powdered paint or whatever. You're saying you think it isn't anodized? What are you comparing it to?

5. The obvious reason to use a plastic lens is to make it more rugged and impact resistan. I've used one and it's not a problem. In the NovaTac price range ruggedness matters more than a few lumens here or there.

6. No, you should say "I can't use the UI". The rest of us seem able to do so.
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

I'm not sure what to make of this.

2. Why do you think it works only with "new" batteries? Whatever that means... Have you actually tested this yourself?

3. With what metrics are you saying it's no better than a REX? Durability? Water-proof depth rating?

4. The anodizing looks real to me, no powdered paint or whatever. You're saying you think it isn't anodized? What are you comparing it to?

5. The obvious reason to use a plastic lens is to make it more rugged and impact resistan. I've used one and it's not a problem. In the NovaTac price range ruggedness matters more than a few lumens here or there.

6. No, you should say "I can't use the UI". The rest of us seem able to do so.
Well six,many have reported probs,on the UI,IT JUST NOT WORK,LOL
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

I love the UI on my 120P. It gives me supreme control to tailor it to my needs. It works perfect and is very easy to use. I love my 120P.
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

Personally, I keep finding new things I enjoy about the NovaTac. Primarily, though, it was the original HDS and it's versatility that intrigued me, however... I've come to find the new user interface of the NovaTac well executed and easy to use. I'd be happy to help you with any issues you may be having understanding it. I think that once most folks 'get' the basic concept that they find the interface to be very intuitive and easy to use 'on-the-fly' providing unmatched control over all of the lights functions.

I'm not sure on what you are basing your statement that the finish is painted on, this is clearly a HA III finish. Please provide more information.

Have you actually had the light turn off on you without going thru the step down process. I just recently did a test of this using a protected RCR123 battery, and after running for 30 minutes at Max, the light began stepping down and I got an additional 20 minutes of usable light before the low battery warning began (which is a quick off/on every second or so). Please see page 2 of this thread for information on the test which I completed just last night:


As you can see, the light never shut off completely. Maybe you were using a different brand of protected battery and the battery's own protection circuit kicked in before the light had a chance to step down.

I'm not familiar with the REX light, so I can't comment on it's quality, or lack thereof. So far, I've found the NovaTac to be suitably designed, and assembled using quality components.

The very tough polycarbonate lens has been discussed at length in other threads. I believe that NovaTac could easily have used a glass UCL lens, but chose the more shatter resistant polycarbonate lens for its durability under rough conditions. This was something that was clearly stated on their website, so I don't understand your surprise at finding it on your light. I like the use of the polycarbonate lens (YMMV). If you still prefer a UCL glass lens, that is an easy and inexpensive thing to replace. Here is a link (you will want the 22.8mm x 1.9mm UCL lens):


I find that the clip works perfectly well for my purposes, and while I've read that others don't particularly like the design, I've also read of numerous folks who feel as I do, that it also serves their purposes well. Again, if this particular clip does not fit your needs, their is at least one aftermarket clip being offered. Here a link to that thread:


If you have specific problems with your personal light which I have not addressed, please feel free to share those and maybe we can help you find solutions.
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

T1833, first of all, you need to stop "laughing out loud," after every word in your post. Secondly, you need to quit your trolling and start posting cogent and readable statements. WTH kind of nonsense are you babling about in this post? I can't understand a word you've posted...
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

T1833, first of all, you need to stop "laughing out loud," after every word in your post. Secondly, you need to quit your trolling and start posting cogent and readable statements. WTH kind of nonsense are you babling about in this post? I can't understand a word you've posted...

Oh, so it's not just me. I was about to go change my contacts or something.
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

Just out of curiousity, is it easy to replace the plastic window with UCL? I do agree they should have used a quality window....even Fenix does that.

Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

Just out of curiousity, is it easy to replace the plastic window with UCL? I do agree they should have used a quality window....even Fenix does that.


I found it to be very easy. To get a better grip, I used the rubber sole of my sneaker to assist in twisting it off. Just press and twist. I've read others using the tacky surface of their mouse pad to do it.
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

Just out of curiousity, is it easy to replace the plastic window with UCL? I do agree they should have used a quality window....even Fenix does that.

Well, it's just my opinion, but I do believe it is a 'quality' window. It's got AR coating on both sides, and seems reasonably scratch resistant. Seems to me that the main advantage of using a polycarbonate window over a UCL glass one would be that while it might crack, it probably won't completely fail during an extreme event, such as dropping directly onto concrete from 6 feet.

I'm perfectly happy so far with the performance I'm getting with the polycarbonate window, and the security of knowing that it's up to just about anything I can throw at it. It is nice to know, however, that if at some point in the future I want to change to a UCL window, it will be an easy and inexpensive swap.
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

Just to be fair to the original poster's question, I can actually think of some reasons why somebody might not want to purchase one of the NovaTac EDC series of lights:

1. Price. At $150 for the top-of-the-line model, that's not peanuts, and there are many other less expensive 1xCR123 lights that have similar performance. Even at $110, that's 3 times what some very nice, but not so feature rich, lights sell for.

2. Complexity of design. Along with the excellent level of electronic control afforded by the NovaTac UI, I feel that anytime you introduce this type of electronic circuit into a design you increase the odds of problems cropping up, now or in the future. It's one of those choices we make when buying a light. Lot's of neat features with a high level of control over the light, or something as simple and foolproof/bulletproof as possible.

3. New company with unproven track record. I've always felt that trust and respect had to be earned, so it was great to hear that Henry had decided to work closely with a larger manufacturer and bring his HDS design into the mainstream. It was also with some trepidation that I pre-ordered the NovaTac after hearing of Henry's departure from that company.

However, I also believe in giving a new company a chance, and so far I've been pleased both with the initial product (warts and all), and with the after sale support I've received in response to a problem I had.

As is always the case, time will tell how well the NovaTac EDC series of lights perform and hold up to the abuse of daily carry and use.

Now, I'm sure you guys are getting a bit tired of reading my glowing posts about the NovaTac, so I will honestly try to curtail my enthusiasm a bit for this wonderful new marvel of modern technology! :D
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

1,they did not listen to feedback?uh,the clip?
2,they only work with new batteries?they will leave you in the dark!!!
3,LOL,they are no better than a "REX".
4,the anodising is "hand painted lol"
5,why use a plastic lens,oh to reduce the light output:candle:

6,They state UI,crap?you can't use it,so many ghosts in the machine!!lol

7,henry,if you can beat this? you are on a winner.:party:

Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

You should buy one just for the heck of it, smash it with a hammer and then maybe you would feel better.

Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

I think someone here may have been hitting the sauce.
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

IMO there are NO reasons not to get one. It is a great light. I've had no problems with mine. The UI is great, my finish is matched. I 've used nothing but this light since I've gotten it.
I never had a HDS, but from what I've read and the ones I've seen there is no denying that these are great lights also. I'll buy one of Henry's new ones when they come out. Then I'll have 2 great lights.!
Re: reasons why I would not choose a novatac?

I'm starting to see problems with mine. Mine flickers a LOT between anything lower than like 40 lm; then you have bounce back and forth a few times to stop it. I just took it to 3 Rush shows, of which I think I only carried it to 2 of the 3 (the Orb went to one) and now I've got 2 huge scratches on my lens. It was kept in my cargo shorts all by its lonesome too. I feel like sending it back and telling them to put a REAL lens in like GLASS or something. These are the 2 problems I've experienced though sometimes the programming doesn't go as smoothly as it used to....wondering if my switch is going too. If I had it to do all over again....I wouldn't buy it. I had the HDS U60GT, and I feel it's a much better light despite the lower lumens.

Since somebody just mentioned changing the lens out...doesn't it void the warranty? Regardless, since I can't seem to break my ring loose, how best would I go about this activity? I hate scratches...in anything.
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