Flashlight Enthusiast
I just received this custom built Milky Elendil LX2 from Dcaprilia this weekend and on Saturday I lost another transmission in one of my trucks so this has to go for repairs. :sigh: To top it off ... my wife used my Milky Gosling to check for something in the warehouse and it went ! The Elendil has more throw than flood and I like flood better for what I do. I have a Electrolumens Fire Sword coming from across the pond so the Elendil is up for grabs. This light is mint as new and I am offering it at a significant loss for a rapid sale. I am asking $360 shipped anywhere! No wait for Scott to build you one...instant gratification! ***WITHDRAWN***
Her's a copy from Dcaprilia's post where I got the light from:
Milky Elendil (complete light)- $400- Now $390 - SOLD to karlheinz3
Purchased directly from one of the sprint runs of Scott. The tape says "SST50-W65S-WJG3(311A1K) IMS20cut UCL D2 Flex "Elessar" 30ohm Tail edaptable. Works with 1 Li-ion only." Similar to Arnor but with more throw. Head is Edaptable which means its can be used in other E-series bodies.
A similar light was reviewed in the link below but I believe that this was the only one with a reflector (instead of optics) for better throw.
Her's a copy from Dcaprilia's post where I got the light from:
Milky Elendil (complete light)- $400- Now $390 - SOLD to karlheinz3
Purchased directly from one of the sprint runs of Scott. The tape says "SST50-W65S-WJG3(311A1K) IMS20cut UCL D2 Flex "Elessar" 30ohm Tail edaptable. Works with 1 Li-ion only." Similar to Arnor but with more throw. Head is Edaptable which means its can be used in other E-series bodies.
A similar light was reviewed in the link below but I believe that this was the only one with a reflector (instead of optics) for better throw.
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