Ive been hoping for a power outage since finding this site a year ago.
Thats it!
Im just not gonna pay the power bill next month! Self induced power outage, why havent I thought of this before??!!
Your idea is definitive better than this:
But don't your house have switches for the lights and electricity?
I am sorry for a little bit of ranting here.
But the first posts just brought up some really bad feelings about some peoples complete stupidity and lack of abilities to think before they post!
I realize having a dark period, a completely dark period, is fun some times!
Especially when you have an interest in devices producing light, and the dark period is limited and not connected with a nature or other disaster.
I have experienced here short periods of complete darkness because of power transformer errors, thunder, or heavy winds bringing down electricity lines.
But they don't set your or other peoples life in jeopardy!
If they do, it is mostly due to an accident or some action brought on by themselves.
But civilization is still here, the world goes on, and after a limited time, power and lights are back!
I even have one of my best memories from Thailand, from Koh Samui, when the whole island was cut off from power all night because of a fire in a main transformer on the mainland.
I spent the whole night at the beach, no noise from the hotels or the discos, only the waves making noise,only the moon lighting up the surroundings.
And a Surefire light!
The next morning, power was back, some had to clean out some dripping freezers!
But else everything was back to normal.
But this thing in the Philippines is a disaster!
And those posters making comments about it completely unaware or without any clues?
I am sorry, sometimes I find the too easy access for too stupid people to make too bad comments a bad thing!
Internet is good, but sometimes the lack of control is not.
This is not only in here, read some of the comments in the links too!