World's First: Hydrogen Powered Flashlight!


Sep 9, 2006
Be afraid.. be very afraid:

Angstrom A2 Fuel Cell Flashlight
Runs 24 hours on a single charge without any drop in output whatsoever.


"....white light with 10X the brightness of similar LEDs for the same amount of power."

Can somebody buy this flashlight and do a cree mod or review on it! :dedhorse::drool::drool:
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This light is over a year old. Here's the oldest thread I could locate with about a minute of searching (CPF search and Google search both found it easily):

Perhaps this old light could be discussed in one of the many old threads instead of yet another new one?

P.S.: Hotlinking images (from non-image-hosting sites like IS or PB) is a no-no.
I believe those things were priced around a thousand dollars.

Theres really nothing special about this light... its only 1W (Luxeon) & uses a hard to obtain battery source (hydrogen).
Wow. These guys act as if the only way to achieve regulation in a flashlight ("this doesn't dim like battery powered flashlights...") is to use a fuel cell and compressed hydrogen system... I'll take a simple buck/boost circuit with a LiIon myself :D One can buy a nice well-regulated 18650 based light a few batteries, and a charger, for less than 1/30th their asking price...
they could put a mini usb port to the flashlight, so I can recharge my ipod with the hydrogen powered flashlight.
Will it explode if thrown? I can think of a few good uses if that's the case. I mean if a cop throws the light at the car he's pursuing, it will stop the robber in his tracks! Boom! :D
Will not work in environments where is too little oxygen - firefighting, mining, caving, aviation, high mountains, underwater..
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When was free, I use to read it all the time and the archrives and they would have hydrogen articles quite often. People who would adapt tankless heaters, bbq grills, etc to run on hydrogen. Then generating and storing hydrogen. My favorite was the hydrogen powered rc car. It was built from a few sample hydrogen cell kits a small 1lb cylinder of hydrogen and a computer muffin fan to give it enough air to work.
Hate to be using that light in high temperatures.
:lolsign: Soon they will have nuclear powered flashies, i heard that the hydrogen bomb is even more powerfull than the nuke i would'ent want one of these!!!

whats the world cuming to they should make solar powered instead charge it during the day an use it during the night :candle:!!!
I was supposed to receive a loaner for review quite some time ago but there were issues with shipping it due to the fact that it was filled with hydrogen. They were going to hand deliver one, but apparantly their sales rep never made it to this part of the country... I haven't followed up recently...
1 watt and 24 hours of light on one charge!!!my maglight with its 1 watt regulated drop in can do 33 hours before i have to exchange the Nimh for fresh less 1 cent a chage,how would it compaire with hydrogen cylinder
Interesting for sure!!.., I see this as like the crazy concept cars at auto shows that never make it to market.

Hopefully, this new wave of 'greeness' will fuel tech to make neat stuff like this cheaper to produce.

~ Any word on new battery technology?
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cobb said:
When was free, I use to read it all the time and the archrives and they would have hydrogen articles quite often. People who would adapt tankless heaters, bbq grills, etc to run on hydrogen. Then generating and storing hydrogen. My favorite was the hydrogen powered rc car. It was built from a few sample hydrogen cell kits a small 1lb cylinder of hydrogen and a computer muffin fan to give it enough air to work.
This is not the same type of thing. It's a fuel cell that uses hydrogen to make electricity, not something that burns hydrogen.