I've got a 360 and haven't bought a ps3, and have no plans to get one. To me its simple, what does each system offer that the other one does not?
There is nothing noteworthy in the hardwear of either, considering it will be some time before I pay 30 dollars for a blu-ray when i can get DVDs all day long for 10.
What is noteworthy is exclusive titles, and Xbox live. In the end there aren't enough exclusive games on the ps3 to get me to buy one. Nearly all the great games on PS3 are also on 360, but vice versa isnt true. Get a 360 and enjoy mass effect, halo3, bioshock, gears of war, AND the all the shared titles.
The addition of as much online play as I want for any number of games for 30 bucks a year wins with me.