Xnova 8 LED 2AA light


Newly Enlightened
Apr 19, 2004
Toronto, ON, Canada
I just got one of these from Lighthound and I have to say, they are bright. Much brighter than the 1AA version. The throw for 5mm LED light is absolutely nuts. I honestly can't believe that it puts out that much light. But, considering it is putting out that much light, I wonder how long it will take before the leds start pooping out because they are being overdriven (at least that's the way it looks)

Anyone else had experiences with these?

Greg wrote: "I just got one of these from Lighthound and I have to say, they are bright. Much brighter than the 1AA version."

For a short while there was a very bright 1AA Xnova 8 "new" (linked to comparison review thread with lots of beamshots) - it was quite noticably brighter than the older Xnova 8 1AA. These newer bright ones had the battery reversed with the "+"ve end facing the tailcap - I bought 3 from LightHound 2 blue and then when available a very attractive pewter which was a shiney silvery-black hematite like finish.

Dae also sold these very bright ones (at at his QualityChinaGoods.com website) calling them "best version" - but he thinks it's unlikely he'll ever get anymore.

The brightness level is about the same as a good 1/2watt LED.

So is the 2AA version brighter than those "best versions"?
These 2 AA version are the same type as the "new" Xnovas with the silver ring in the head and with the different battery position.

All I can say is, not bad for a $7 light.

Just wanted others out there to know about it.

I've got, and use, several of the 1AA versions.

Neat, very bright little light, and you don't worry about losing them.

Do you have the 1AA version to compare it to ?
Greg wrote:"These 2 AA version are the same type as the "new" Xnovas with the silver ring in the head and with the different battery position.
All I can say is, not bad for a $7 light.
Just wanted others out there to know about it."

Absolutely, it is very good value for a $7 light, thank you for bringing it to our attention -

My apologies - you may have to be a little more explicit with me -
is this 2AA version brighter than those very bright
Xnova 8 1AA new "best versions"?
Absolutely, more than twice as bright than the 1AA version, at least that's the way it looks.

It is basically the same light at the "new" 1AA lights but takes 2AA batteries. Truly a bright light. Well worth the money. It may be a little bit bigger, but I won't feel as bad losing this light as I would losing my Fenix L1P.

I love the XNovas... of course, they feel a bit cheap, but I haven't had any problems with any of the 8 LED XNovas and I've had 5 of them. One was the 'R' version, two were the 'best version' and two were the ones from the HAIII group buy a while back. All were very impressive.

I generally agree with Unknown but I might even suggest that they are comparable to a Q-bin Lux I driven at maybe 200-250ma in terms of output but certainly less throw than we expect from Lux lights.

For the price, you really can't go wrong. Never had the 2xAA but I might pick one up sometime when I'm ordering something else.

Emilion used to sell a light we generally refer to as the 7x7mm light which had 7 7mm LEDs. It's quite a bit brighter than the best XNovas, but it is larger (3xAAA form factor) and a bit less runtime. They are seriously bright though. Here's the 7x7mm against my brightest ever XNova.


Yup! First two lights in the middle row.

Don't know how tough the coating is, but they look unique and they were cheap too! I think they were under $6 shipped.

Thinking that the new Inova X5 may be my next flashahol fix, I'm curious as to how the output and pattern of the 7x7mm and the, particularly, brighter Xnovas compare to the X5.

dim wrote: "I'm curious as to how the output and pattern of the 7x7mm and the, particularly, brighter Xnovas compare to the X5."

If it's any help - here's a comparison of the Inova X5 with the 1AA 8LED
Xnova 8 new/brighter version

the Inova X5 is noticably brighter with a much wider coverage.

Please see these comparison reviews for more details and other side-by-side comparison beamshots -

Inova X5 (white)

8LED 1AA "Xnova" New vs. Old