Now I'll concentrate a little on our two competitors to satisfy your XP-G desire.
In all pictures, the Preon is on the left, and the IlluminaTi is on the right.
For the beamshots, some exposure adjustment is allowed. Without, low is too low and high is too high for photos. This shows that both lights have a nice spacing between levels.
The cells are eneloop AAA, I measured the OCV at 1.308 and 1.297. The slightly higher voltage I put in the Preon. Tailcap RMS current measurements are also included.
It seems like the Illuminati is slightlly more efficient. The PWM rate (see two post down) is lower, but not noticeably so. If half the PWM frequency results in better efficiency (comments welcome), I'd rather have it. It could also be my sample IlluminaTi's emitter has a relatively better efficiency than the sample Preon's emitter.
LOW - Preon: 128 mA, IlluminaTi 89 mA
MEDIUM - Preon: 260 mA, IlluminaTi 267 mA
HIGH - Preon: 880 mA, IlluminaTi 851 mA
Is there much of a difference between these lights? Not really if you look at beamshots alone. However, there is a lot more in the details.
Both flashlights are twisties as supplied by the manfacturer. The Preon has a clicky option if you spend the extra $, the IlluminaTi does not, with the advantage of shorter length.
The Preon has a gold-plated tail spring that is superior electrically, but some report the spring may fall out on a cell change. The Illuminati has a stainless steel spring that is not as good electrically, but I have yet to hear a report of a misplaced spring.
The IlluminaTi is heavily knurled with a rectangular pattern. It is possible to operate single-handedly, even with wet hands. For the Preon, it is more difficult because the surface is slippery smooth.
Both light have been reported to have gritty threads. Some usage and lube change will resolve this on both lights. I have inspected the threads on both lights, they are cut excellent and there are no issues on either. I find them consistent with other titanium lights I have owned.
Both lights are nicely engraved with manufacturer information. The Preon has serial numbers also laser engraved, this is only supposed to be done on early runs.
Both lights are shipped in presentation boxes with a custom-cut foam opening. Both lights came with a battery, 4sevens ships the Preon with a Duracell alkaline, Battery Junction ships theirs with an Energizer Lithium primary AAA, and also a good quality keychain squeeze light.
The major accessories to these lights are keychain and pocket clip attachments.
The Preon arrived with the clip attached, and the keyring attach was in the accessory bag. There is no keychain or split ring, just the attachment point that replaces the material thickness where the pocket clip was. For the Preon, you must choose one or the other. Changing from the pocket clip to the keychain attach requires removing the tailcap and o-ring, which is a greasy proposition. Great care must be taken when changing the pocket clip, because turning the clip around the body leaves a deep scratch (steel on titanium). A thick piece of paper is recommended, and replacing the clip at the same rotation will help to hide the as-delivered scratch.
The IlluminaTi has a drilled hole for the keychain. [Edit: Please see post
#95 for an area of concern] The keychain is bright nickel plated steel, and very sturdy. It arrives attached, and in the package is held at a distance by the foam inside the box. After removal from the foam, the keychain split ring refuses to touch the body or tailcap, a nice design. The claw end of the keychain also avoids the highly polished areas of the light, landing only on the knurled section.
I have not personally attached the pocket clip on the IlluminaTi. [Edit: I have, please see post
#97. From what I understand, it can be attached in either forward or backward direction. The keychain does NOT need removed to do this. However, it is reported that the clip interferes with tailstanding. Perhaps someone will clarify. [Edit: Some do, some don't. Due to similarity to ITP/maratec products, if your clip doesn't allow tailstanding try a swap with another clip. Also see post
Both light have very well centered emitters, thanks to a molded centering device directly below the reflector. Both emitters are very clean. The tints of the samples I have are close, but the Preon is "greener". An aluminum reflector and glass lens sits up front. Both reflectors have texture (light orange peel)
The back end of both lights is interesting too. The 4Sevens has a generously sized "47" laser-engraved into the back. The IlluminaTi does not boast in the same way, it is mirror polished instead. Both tailstand quite well, although with the keychain attached, the IlluminaTi may require two tries.
The IlluminaTi gets the nod for size. It's significantly shorter, although I really don't know where an extra cm is going to cause difficulty in use.
The two lights are styled very differently. The Preon is shaped like a baseball bat, baseball fans will probably think it's cool. The Preon has a more "stripped, elegant" look, while the Illuminati is jeweled in appearance and yet a little more industrial. The Preon to me is much like the tail end of a Craftsman ratchet, shiny but not very interesting except for the Preon logo. The IlluminaTi looks like nothing else in particular.
I layed the two flashlights down in front of my wife, and asked her which one was better looking. She never saw either before. Without hesitation, she pointed to the IlluminaTi. I agree.
Which one would hold up better in use, finish-wise? My guess would be the IlluminaTi. The polished regions are recessed, and will likely remain polished. The Preon has lots of exposed surfaces to scratch. The Preon is also subject to accidental scratching from the pocket clip, unless you have the tailcap on really tight. I imagine the Illuminati will also get scratches from the pocket clip. I'd like to hear other's experiences.
Perhaps this wear issue will dictate which light you buy. If you want to shirt-pocket your flashlight, you'll probably want the Preon. But then again, you'll probably want the Preon 2 instead (2xAAA). I really like the 2xAAA format for the inside of a suit jacket, so I have a Preon 2 and enjoy it. But if you want a keychain light, the IlluminaTi will probably be for you; the Preon 1 is somewhat out of it's territory on a keychain.
If you want to go by performance, the IlluminaTi gets a slight nod. With slightly less current, slightly higher output, and better tint, there is no doubt the IlluminaTi is my better sample. The difference in PWM frequency is negligible in my opinion.
If you are looking for special modes such as strobe/SOS/beacon, the Preon provides, while the IlluminaTi does not. However, you must twist back more than a handful of times to get there. If you need the SOS mode due to an incapacitating situation, you may be SOL.
The price point is very close on the two lights at $55. Based on the beamshots in post #1, what you get for spending twice as much money over a Maratac or ITP is not only a titanium body, but also a broader beam. Do not expect a stronger hotspot, expect a broader hotspot.
If I had to choose only one, which would it be? Definitely the IlluminaTi. It's the more attractive, practical, efficient light for me. I'm not a pocket-protector type of Engineer, I'd rather carry my flashlight discreetly, then make a big show when I pull it from my pant's pocket. I like the ability to change modes single-handedly, and brush-off any small scratches that occur because they are not obvious.
Both flashlights feature my preferred L>M>H operating sequence.
Don't get me wrong, both lights are well done and deserving of your hard-earned cash. I'd just pick the IlluminaTi for my lifestyle.