Ye’ ol coppertop fail......


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Went to use my Fenix E01 today. (I love this little light, it's been through so much with me) and the head was screwed down. Instantly remembered my little girl had used it to walk to the car with her mother a few nights before. I had recently put a coppertop in it and feared the worst. Yes...... the battery had welded to the side of the tube. After 30 minutes of drilling and clean up I got the tube to where it's decent but I bent it up in a few places. It's old as crap so it's not like it changed much but just a reminder to keep an eye on your beloved lights. Things can go bad in a hurry if you play with alkaleaks.
Now I can't get it working. Not sure if there's a bunch of corrosion in the bottom of the tube now or what. The head is fine I can get it to work with a battery and a paper clip. Who knows. More cleaning to be done. : D

Update:::::::: ITS ALIVE!
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Alkalines are funny. Put them in something you hate: freebie swag flashlight, your kid's old unwanted toys, a crappy cheap screwdriver, etc... they'll happily live there for years without any trouble!

Put them in absolutely anything you care about, then put it down for 3 days? Green schmoo and destruction for your transgression!