yeah so I put a 14500 into a DSD backwards..


Apr 29, 2006
Central Florida, USA
Luckily its a "protected" 14500 from AW, but it did get quite warm sitting in the charger with his twin [with correct position] for about an hour.
I unplugged the charger when it indicated green so I presumed the batteries are full when I noticed one cell was significantly hotter than the other then I realized when looking at the cells I have in my hand ones right side up and the other upside down. I took the cell out in a plastic bag [fearful of gases that might be venting out] and left it in the patio. when I retrieved it no venting occurred as far as the plastic ziploc goes and the cell temperature returned to room temp.

my question is, is the protection circuit fried? something tripped preventing an explosion? and can the cell be charged or discharged? I don't have my meter with me so theres no way for me to know what voltage the cell has and afraid of discharging it.

EDIT: aside from making another thread I think I'll just ask it here :)
for me to charge 17670s in the DSD charger, where can I buy the spacers necessary for it?
I did that once to an AW 14500 too... it became 0.1v... Not sure if it's because of the circuit or the battery itself has reversed charge... I guess I could have found out by removing the circuit and testing the bare cell... but I dumped the battery already.

To be safe, I would recommend to dispose of that battey or get a cheap meter from DX or sumtin just to check out what the voltage is.

I bought copper spacers from AW (I think) but now also used stacked magnets to act as spacers.
sounds like a good idea, I'll wrap it with electrical tape.
do I need to recycle it or just throw it out?

I have a meter...just its somewhere out of my reach at the moment :thinking:
I guess if there are some proper ways of disposal in the States, better to go that way (recycle or toxic waste bin or what have you...)

Here in Sg, there aren't really much of these bins around... so I just throw 'em in the trash. Not sure if these li-ons cause any problem to the disposal companies later :(
Why not ask AW before you dump the cell? There might be a built in protection of somesort?
LOL Illum - love the thread title.

On topic: You have effectively reverse-charged this cell, or tried to anyway, and if it was low beforehand (presumably the case, or you wouldn't have tried to charge it) it may have been drained and you were lucky not to have had a fire. The protection circuit may have saved the day, but the fast discharge won't have done it any good and is probably why it overheated.

What voltage is it reading? If 0.0V, the protection circuit has kicked in and may have saved it. A brief spell on the charger (correct polarity this time!!) might suddenly bring it back up - but be careful handling it.

If however it is reading a low voltage (<2.5V) then it is not worth further trouble IMO, and you should recycle it.
the cell has been in storage for sometime [about a month since I last used it and I didnt recharge it after use so Im thinking ~80%] and I decided to top them off

I found my meter eyeballing on the analog gauge its 1.4Vs
yeah...oh well