Yet another 1xAA thread (shortlisted to 2, open to suggestions)


Newly Enlightened
Jun 4, 2009
First off apologies for yet another AA thread :) To make this hopefully a little easier I'vee got it short listed to two lights so far

1) Quark AA (Either Regular, with a tactical tail or Tactical model. I'm still trying to figure out how often/quickly I'd need access to all modes...).
2) Fenix LD10+

(Should the Quark be the winner, I am wondering if i am better off waiting for a possible upgrade to the newer XPG R4 LED (as opposed to the current XP-E R2).)

As far as I can tell these are pretty much on par with each other. Has anyone any thoughts on how they compare after real world use?

Also if anyone has any other suggestions I will happily take them.

My ideal UI would be a combination of the Regular and Tactical Quark. Two user definable modes but being able to cycle through to the others with out reprogramming.

In the interest of completeness I've filled out the questionnaire and will give a little background on it's planned use.

I currently pocket carry a LD01, and am looking for something will a little more oomphf in a small form factor to be carried in bag / organiser.

Requirements, are a clip, a beacon mode (would rather a regular interval flash than SOS. Strobe ok as long as beacon is there too), tail button with momentary on.
0) What Region/Country/State will the light be purchased in?
_X__I will be mail-ordering or buying online, so this doesn't matter

1) Price Range: An easy question, but you may change your mind after answering the rest! :)
_X__I could spend $40-60.

2) Format:
_X__I want a flashlight.

3) Length:
_X__2-4 inches. (Pocket carry)

4) Width:
_X__I don't care.

5) What batteries do you want to use?
_X__I want common Alkaline batteries. (AA, AAA, C, D)

6) How much light do you want?
_X__I want to read a map, or find a light switch, in a dark room. (5-10 lumens)
_X__I want to walk around a generally paved area. (15-20 lumens)
_X__I want to walk unpaved trails. (40 lumens)
_X__I want to do Caving or Search & Rescue operations. (60+ lumens)

7) Throw vs Flood:
Throw (distance)----------------------|-----X----------------Flood/close-up

8) Runtime: Not over-inflated manufacturer runtime claims (like some LED lights). but usable brightness measured from first activation to 50% with new batteries.
_X__60-120 min. (1-2 hours) (Preferably On Highest output)

9) Durability: Generally the old phrase "you get what you pay for" is very accurate for flashlights.
_X__Very Important (Camping, Backpacking, Car Glove-box.)

8) Switch Type:
_X__I want a "clickie" switch. (Stays on until pressed again.)
_X__I want a momentary switch. (Only stays on while held down.)

9) Switch Location:
_X__I want a push switch on the back end of the body.

10) Operational Modes: Check all that apply.
_X__I want multiple light levels. (some lights have 5-16 light levels.)
_X__I want a strobe mode. (blinks to show location.)

11) Is it important whether the body is metal or plastic/composite?
_X__I want a metal-bodied light.

12) Special Needs:
_X__Belt/Jacket clip​
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from the figures I've seen (and from experience compared to my old L1D and D10) the Quark AA will have more oomph in the throw department. In fact I've been pleasantly surprised by mine and have decided not to buy a 2AA body because the current oomph level is fine.
The build quality of the Quark will be slightly better than the Fenix, and I love me some Fenix lights!

If I remember the Quark had anodized threads and they were coarser so they were smoother and will last much longer. I could be wrong since I gave mine away.

I do not like the tactical version at all and by your specifications, you will not like it either. With the tactical you get two modes on hand at any time unless you desire to reprogram over and over all the time.

Get the regular version. I am not sure if it has the forward clicky, but you will be able to access all the modes quickly like the Fenix.

The Fenix does not have a forward clicky either.
I understand that you've narrowed your choices down to the Quark and Fenix, but your answers to the questionnaire indicated that you wanted a floody light rather than a throwy light. Neither the Quark nor the Fenix has a floody beam (unless by "floody" you really mean you want good spill...not the same thing, but an easy mistake to make).

If you really do want a floody beam, perhaps you would be better served by a LiteFlux LF5XT. Check out the beamshots in selfbuilt's reviews to see the difference.

I've got the LF5XT and the Quark AAw and love them both, but for different reasons. The Quark has a tight hotspot with even spill which makes it a great light for navigating inside or outside, but the tight hotspot can make it awkward to use up close, even at low levels. That's where the LF5XT is so wonderful.

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If your wanting 1-2hrs to 50% on highest output i dont think that will be possible on regular alkaline AAs as the voltage drops quite fast.
It's recommended to use LSD rechargables like eneloops or Energizer E2 lithiums over regular alkalines for a longer and better regulated runtime.
Well, requirement #8 stated a forward clicky. So, that'll be the Quark Tactical then.
I only have 3x 1AA lights but for EDC I have basically settled on the LGX200 (Fenix L1T) because of its forward clicky and nice floody smooth beam.

The iTP C7T is good but the beam is more spot and the LD10 is creamy rich beamed but too many modes and reverse click.

There is a good chance I need to use the torch with a firearm so the simple tactical switch works best for me.

I am reading up on the Quark AA tactical and a fellow torch nut in SA has recommended 47's so I will try it out.
Is it going to give me a lot more than the L1T ?
Lol :crackup: I'll have a gram of what you're on please.

You must be a Quark guy.

I don't own one now because my first experience with them was a tactical and I did not like the UI at all.

If you are ignorant of what a huge improvement square threads are in the Quark line, then maybe you ought to save your childish laughter until you educate yourself.

I have many Fenix lights. Their threads are a weak link in their lights.
I understand that you've narrowed your choices down to the Quark and Fenix, but your answers to the questionnaire indicated that you wanted a floody light rather than a throwy light

That was a bit of a brain fart on my part, the X should have gone the opposite side of the line... :eek:

but the tight hotspot can make it awkward to use up close, even at low levels. That's where the LF5XT is so wonderful.

Ah thanks for that hadn't considered close up work, although probably not a major requirement. I'll add the LF5XT to the potential list of possibilities, although it's a little on the high side for the budget. On an aside, just spotted the Ti Mod for the LF2XT, it is a thing of beauty it's most tempting.

zeruel said:
Well, requirement #8 stated a forward clicky. So, that'll be the Quark Tactical then.

Good point, while I'd considered it in the Quark (by getting tactical tail along with AA regular) I'd not considered it in other brands.

Zeruel said:
It's recommended to use LSD rechargables like eneloops or Energizer E2 lithiums over regular alkalines for a longer and better regulated runtime.

Eneloops are doable, and probably likely at this stage.

shark_za said:
Is it going to give me a lot more than the L1T ?

By more, what do you mean?

Thanks all for the input, I think I'll probably go with a Quark, now I just have to decide whether I take advantage of the 15% off or hold out and see if they come out with a non Ti XPG R4 in one of their upcoming Thursday releases.
If you are ignorant of what a huge improvement square threads are in the Quark line, then maybe you ought to save your childish laughter until you educate yourself.

I have many Fenix lights. Their threads are a weak link in their lights.

I cant imagine anyone wearing down the threads on a flashlight, in case you wore down a Fenix, I would like to see pics.

BTW. New Fenix lights comes with square threads too :whistle:
I cant imagine anyone wearing down the threads on a flashlight, in case you wore down a Fenix, I would like to see pics.

BTW. New Fenix lights comes with square threads too :whistle:

On well-machined lights, especially with anodized threads, probably not. Cheapo generic lights with tight-pitch unanodized threads on the other hand may not stand up to frequent battery swaps, essentially the problem is it's too easy to misthread them once they degrade beyond a certain point, even if kept lubed.

IMO, threads are the weakest link on many lights, some people just don't use their light enough to wear them down before a better light comes along to replace their current favorite for most frequent use.
On well-machined lights, especially with anodized threads, probably not. Cheapo generic lights with tight-pitch unanodized threads on the other hand may not stand up to frequent battery swaps, essentially the problem is it's too easy to misthread them once they degrade beyond a certain point, even if kept lubed.

IMO, threads are the weakest link on many lights, some people just don't use their light enough to wear them down before a better light comes along to replace their current favorite for most frequent use.

The threads on my Fenix lights are extremely thin and very small. They are un anodized so the gray that comes off when I clean off the grease is aluminum. The square threads are much smoother.

Calling me a Quark guy is silly. Just stating facts.
not sure the quark threads are anodized... at least my Quark tactical has no lock-out capability. Should it have?
Trigger pulled on a Quark AA Regular, now the wait begins