Yet another Knife Collections thread...


Oct 5, 2006
Pennsylvania, USA
Hey everyone, I figure its tiem for another post your colections thread...So please post a picture or pictures of your current knife collection, group shots are ideal as to not make the thread too long and hard to load...I know many of you guys have massive collectiosn, so mybe you guys can just post a few of your favorites...
I knife collection like many of yours is always changing...I like to trade alot rather than go out and buy new knives...For one its cost effective to trade, and its just plain fun...You get great deals and make new friends...Plus you get to try enw stuff for the cost of shipping...
Here is my current collection of knives...I woudl say half of these knives I use all the time, and the other half I have for centimental value...Some knives I don't use but just don't have the heart to get rid of them...ENJOY!

NECK KNIVES (Left to Right):
-Cold Steel Para-Edge
-CRKT Dogfish
-Peter Atwood Skeeter (154cm)


MULTITOOLS (Left to Right):
-Leatherman Wave
-Old Leatherman model
-Benchmade model 5 Rescue Hook (I use this at work to cut plastic straps)


-Benchmade model 100 river/dive knife


"TACTICAL" FOLDERS (Top Left to Bottom Right):
-Cold Steel Ti-Lite
-CRKT 14K series - Mt. Whitney
-Benchmade Griptilian (full size in D2)
-CRKT M18-02
-Spyderco Delica 4 Waved
-Cold Steel Medium Vaquero
-Chris Reeve Sebenza (small classic w/ micarta inserts)
-Delta-Z Osprey
-Benchmade model 820 Ascent
-SOG Twitch II
-Colt Signature series wildlife folder
-Kershaw Scallion
-CRKT 14K series - Pikes Peak
-CRKT Rollock


OTHER FOLDERS (Top to Bottom):
-Case Sodbuster
-Case Mako
-Case Camper
-Queen Slimline Trapper
-Case Copperlock with barnboard scales
-Masons knife, blade and scissors, the blade is marked "LODGE"
-Rough Rider mini Stockman w/ micarta scales
-"Trick Knife" Made by Imperial Schrade
-Imperial Schrade small 2 blade slipjoint...


Duh, I just realized I left out a bunch of my knives...I forgot about all my SAK's and my Balisong collection...Oh well...Myabe Ill post them another time...
-Case Sodbuster
-Case Mako
-Case Camper
-Queen Slimline Trapper
-Case Copperlock with barnboard scales

Great pics, cutlerylover! Thanks for sharing some of what's in your collection. Really helps me to see the various knives side by side in your pics to comprehend their relative size.

Used to EDC a Case Camper, which I believe is around here somewhere but I have no idea where it is at the moment.

Anyways, I remember the Camper's size and can use that to get an idea of the size of the others.

I didn't realize the Case Copperlock was that small!

When you posted a review of your Copperlock some time ago, for some reason I got the impression it was much larger than it actually is.

Love the look of that Copperlock! Something about its style really appeals to me: the shape of the blade, the handle contours, maybe its overall retro look.

Think I may have to pick up a Copperlock, now that I realize its actual size. Looks like it'd be decent for EDC down inside a pocket, whereas before I thought it'd have to be carried in a belt sheath.

Any idea of the price range of Case Copperlocks? I don't really need one with fancy scales.

Great pics, cutlerylover! Thanks for sharing some of what's in your collection. Really helps me to see the various knives side by side in your pics to comprehend their relative size.

Used to EDC a Case Camper, which I believe is around here somewhere but I have no idea where it is at the moment.

Anyways, I remember the Camper's size and can use that to get an idea of the size of the others.

I didn't realize the Case Copperlock was that small!

When you posted a review of your Copperlock some time ago, for some reason I got the impression it was much larger than it actually is.

Love the look of that Copperlock! Something about its style really appeals to me: the shape of the blade, the handle contours, maybe its overall retro look.

Think I may have to pick up a Copperlock, now that I realize its actual size. Looks like it'd be decent for EDC down inside a pocket, whereas before I thought it'd have to be carried in a belt sheath.

Any idea of the price range of Case Copperlocks? I don't really need one with fancy scales.


Thanks!...I also love seeign group; shots to compare size between different knives...

:stupid: :oops:
VERY IMPORTANT, I am very sorry, but I forgot to put in the descritpion that that model is a mini copperlock, thats why its smaller than you might have the picture it is a Mini as well as my review...I believe in my review I stated that but not here, I appologize for the missunderstanding...

That specific model being a mini and having barnboard scales, which is not fancy at all, one of the cheaper models, cost roughly $50...

The full size copperlock is anywhere from $60 - $100 depending on what kind of handle scales you want...Although some models do not come in full size, like this one in Brown Barnboard...

The mini copperlock is 3 5/8" closed...
The full size copperlock is 4 1/4" closed...

The full size is harder to find than the mini, because less handle styles are made in the full version...

Agaian, sorry for any confusion...:ohgeez:
I also love seeign group; shots to compare size between different knives...I forgot to put in the descritpion that that model is a mini copperlock, thats why its smaller than you might have thought...

The mini copperlock is 3 5/8" closed...
The full size copperlock is 4 1/4" closed...

Agaian, sorry for any confusion...:ohgeez:

No problem and thanks for the clarification, cutlerylover.

Seem to remember searching for the Case Copperlock after reading your review. After finding its length was 4 1/4 inches, I concluded it was too long for pocket carry since it lacks a clip. At this point in time, I don't need yet another folding knife to carry in a belt sheath.

However, that Mini Copperlock looks fine for pocket carry since it appears somewhat more compact than a Case Camper.

The basic Case Mini Copperlock with barnboard scales looks to be available for just over 40 bucks.

The Mini Copperlock looks to be a very functional little pocket lockback that also has great visual appeal, at least it looks great to me.

I've owned a variety of Case knives over many years. My experience with those knives has never given me any reason to change my good opinion of Case.

Thanks again.

No problem! I find its a great little knife, I like it because I think its classy, VERY sheeple friendly...

Classy, traditional, and conservative all come to mind. Sheeple friendly I hadn't thought of - but it's probably true too.

Say cutlerylover, how do you like that Cold Steel Vaquero?

That's one non-traditional looking - and definitely un-Sheeple-friendly - knife.

That curvey blade looks like it'd make for a wicked cutter, but would also be a nightmare to sharpen!

I love it actually, its a beast of a cutter! I pull that out for when I don't mess around, lol, need to cut somethgin and don't care how ugly the cut is, it always does the job and quick! NO not sheeple friendly, even though its on the small side, lol...As far as sharpening its not that bad at all, the spyderco sharpmaker tocuhes the serrations up faily easily! trick is not to let it get too dull in between sharpenings...
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These are my Lynn and Cooks (Lynn Dawson & Dennis Cook) with a Rose Dawson (Lynn's sister) in the top image.

The bottom image is my WR (Wayne) Clark pile. The middle ones show another Clark from AutoTech with a Benchmade 806-701 to contrast carbon fiber styles. I love that silver twill CF.
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These are a little out of date, since I've traded a couple of these and acquired some others, but here are a couple of group shots:

