Yet another newbie & L2D CE thread


Newly Enlightened
Mar 20, 2007
Hello America..
and the rest of CPF.

Another limey here, who's just had his L2D delivered. After a few weeks lurking and reading about Fenix's talent with CREE's finest, I thought it about time I invested in a 'proper' torch. I've always been interested in torches and have quite a collection (all incandescenets) but nothing I have is in the same league as the L2D.
For general 'about the house 'cos the electricty's gone off' situations, the low level mode is more than efficient. I don't think I'll ever be using 'Turbo' mode for long unless I'm storming the local Iranian embassy!! Well I know a couple of blokes who might need this function!
Anyway, it certainly lives up to all the praise that's been thrown around on this forum and here's to the future of LEDs and 500 lumens for 10 hours on ONE AA alkaline battery!!

cheers, Rob, living in Scotland :sold:

I'm also a newb who just received his Fenix (L1D CE). I'm amazed how much light and runtime it can pump out from a single AA battery!
Welcome! I guess I can say that being a newbie myself. I love my L1D..I never knew a SINGLE AA had all those lumens packed in it either! (Thanks Fenix-store):)
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rlkat, Gator762, williamv0123, welcome! :wave:
Two standard CPF sayings: "Hold on to your wallets" and "when in doubt, buy both."
Fenix lights were my first foray into the world of flashaholism. Solid products for the price in my experience.
Howdy Rob, and welcome to CPF (a big welcome to you other new members too!)

I'm glad to hear that you like the new Fenix L2D CE. Mine should be arriving any day now. Gee, I'm not sure where the nearest Iranian embassy is located for trying out the turbo mode. Maybe I can just try turning off a steet light or two. :)
When did you people order yours??

My orders were shipped on the 8th, but I still have not them yet. Contacted fenixstore and still waiting for a reply :(
accr said:
When did you people order yours??

Yep...... waiting is the harderst part. Mine shipped on Tuesday, so I don't expect it to get out here to the west coast until next week some time.

That's alright, I've got lots of lights to keep me happy. I only ordered this one because I kept reading what a great light it is and I wanted the 2xAA form factor for long running time on high and readily available batteries if needed.

Where are you located?
I just got my L2D-CE and love it. I swear the 'high' and 'max' are identical. I can't tell them apart and I can't get anyone else to see a difference either. I'd think 135 vs 80lumens wouldn't be so hard to see heh :/.

I put it in general mode and go from low to medium then high and while on high I then rotate the head to turbo mode. No one can tell when the light has switched, high->max no flicker even when switching. This is with fresh batteries, maybe when they get warn down there will be a difference.

Doesn't matter though, I still love this light. Now I don't mind that I lost my 2AA MagLED.
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Welcome, I have had mine since Feb, I like the profile and beam,
I even bought another to use around the workplace
I can defenitely see a difference between high and turbo on my L2DCE. First try fresh batteries,then take it outside and point it far away on a treetop and switch between high and turbo. You should be able to see a difference. If not you might be having a problem.
I tried another set of new NiMH batteries, some Duracell 2650mAh ones, and now I get a noticable difference between high and turbo. Was using some real old 2200mAh PowerEX NiMH batteries that I guess are getting too old.
jc28841 said:
I've had the L1D CE for a month and love it. Now I'm waiting for the 2AA tube I ordered :D

Me too. :D

If you look at Chevrofreak's runtime graphs, it looks like you gain a lot of efficiency with the second cell. Lithium times - L1D CE gets 2hr 6min on high, L2D CE gets 6hr 25min. I picked up the second tube for camping, when the extra output and effiency will probably be nice and still small enough to carry everywhere.
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I too see a clear difference between high and turbo (L2D CE), particularly on fresh lithium primary AA's. Great torch, I must get another to replace the old 3D Mag in the car glovebox, although the L2D is probably not as good at hammering a stuck starter motor.

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