Hello America..
and the rest of CPF.
Another limey here, who's just had his L2D delivered. After a few weeks lurking and reading about Fenix's talent with CREE's finest, I thought it about time I invested in a 'proper' torch. I've always been interested in torches and have quite a collection (all incandescenets) but nothing I have is in the same league as the L2D.
For general 'about the house 'cos the electricty's gone off' situations, the low level mode is more than efficient. I don't think I'll ever be using 'Turbo' mode for long unless I'm storming the local Iranian embassy!! Well I know a couple of blokes who might need this function!
Anyway, it certainly lives up to all the praise that's been thrown around on this forum and here's to the future of LEDs and 500 lumens for 10 hours on ONE AA alkaline battery!!
cheers, Rob, living in Scotland
and the rest of CPF.
Another limey here, who's just had his L2D delivered. After a few weeks lurking and reading about Fenix's talent with CREE's finest, I thought it about time I invested in a 'proper' torch. I've always been interested in torches and have quite a collection (all incandescenets) but nothing I have is in the same league as the L2D.
For general 'about the house 'cos the electricty's gone off' situations, the low level mode is more than efficient. I don't think I'll ever be using 'Turbo' mode for long unless I'm storming the local Iranian embassy!! Well I know a couple of blokes who might need this function!
Anyway, it certainly lives up to all the praise that's been thrown around on this forum and here's to the future of LEDs and 500 lumens for 10 hours on ONE AA alkaline battery!!
cheers, Rob, living in Scotland