You can't fool me, it's a flying saucer!

thats no flying saucer, thats Michaelangelo's unfinished work of "The Discus Thrower"

I don't think it's a flying saucer...I think it's a big flashlight!
She's looking for the "ON" switch.
Unless I'm a tad mistaken, it's actually the roof for one of the buildings in the new Mushroom World section of Disneyland.
"Scientist" trying to enter flying saucer
The picture probably leaked and they had to say something, heat shield indeed :shakehead
You can tell it is hovering on anti-gravity, they just put those wheels under there to make it look like it was sitting on a platform.

Hey! That's the part for my new Mag hotwire. This thing was supposed to be kept under wraps!:crackup:
A very large pin cushion. You should see the thimble, scissors and thread that go with it! :p