You Flashlight People are Terrible. How do you sleep at night?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 1, 2008
Riverside, CA
because your constant technobabble and sweet gadgets has made me one of you.

i thought i was fine with a plane jane SF G2 & Maglite with a MagLED drop in.

but no

i now have ordered another G2 w/ strike bezel, 2 DX 6090 modules, a Fenix P3D Q5, and two E01's

look at what you kooks have done to me!

this is a freakin awesome place. i like CPF
:thumbsup: Welcome to CPF :thumbsup:

It's just the beginning.......
Sleep at night? that's when our torches/flashlights are most useful! ;)

I understand your predicament though... I started out with a 6D maglite & now own over 10 lights, oddly enough (I know you'll understand) that's not enough I still NEED more... you can't have too many useful gadgets! :devil:

BTW welcome to CPF! :wave:
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I was happy with my one surefire G2Z.....

like rabbits these things are, get two..and youre in for a family's worth...


and thats not even the extended family..:ohgeez:

youll fit right in...:D

Welcome to CPF! Everyone has to start somewhere and it sounds like you are off to a good start. I have a humble collection compared to many here but still have fun. Here are two shots of a part of my collection that I took last week. These pics are only of the lights that I had in the house with charged batteries, not counting my spotlights and my camping lights that I keep in the motorhome.


Welcome to CPF Infamous!

Normally I would advise you to run far away, but nobody listens. Enjoy the ride. It's just insane what you can find here.

Nice avatar. I just watched the movie last week. Need to see it again on a huge wide screen.
We don't sleep very well at night. Our flashlight obsession is simply an adult manifestation of our childhood fear of the dark and monsters in the closet.

Here is a nice place to learn about lights, LEDs, brands... You just have to filter the fights.

Anyway, greetings from Brasil! :wave:
Sleep at night? that's when our torches/flashlights are most useful! ;)

Arghhhhhhhhh please don't use "torch" to refer to a Flashlight!!!

I firmly believe the Brits own the language and their usage should be adopted in the former colonies as well as making an effort to use Received Pronunciation. I will also admit the Americans have done the most vile disservice to the English language, ebonics taking the cake.

However, flashlight is one of the rare exceptions where the American usage should reign supreme. The Flashlight was invented by Joshua Lionel Cowen an American and another American, Conrad Hubert, marketed his invention as the Flashlight. Since the British were incapable of inventing it they lose the right to rename it to their fancy.

While I am here in LA trying to convince Americans to call cookies biscuits. Perhaps, you can help convince Australians to use the term Flashlight...

I really wonder what Lionel would have thought if he had seen a SureFire in his time?
wait till you get into HID's:devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:

thats when you'll start eating PBJ's for months:D
or in my buddy's case, he has many HID's and now he's broke. He's so poor that his food stamps bounced.

Welcome to CPF!.. You have started in right manner. Sooner or later without you knowing, you will start to add more lights, then you will acquire customs lights..........etc etc......

Have fun and enjoy your time here!
Arghhhhhhhhh please don't use "torch" to refer to a Flashlight!!!

I firmly believe the Brits own the language and their usage should be adopted in the former colonies as well as making an effort to use Received Pronunciation. I will also admit the Americans have done the most vile disservice to the English language, ebonics taking the cake.

However, flashlight is one of the rare exceptions where the American usage should reign supreme. The Flashlight was invented by Joshua Lionel Cowen an American and another American, Conrad Hubert, marketed his invention as the Flashlight. Since the British were incapable of inventing it they lose the right to rename it to their fancy.

While I am here in LA trying to convince Americans to call cookies biscuits. Perhaps, you can help convince Australians to use the term Flashlight...

I really wonder what Lionel would have thought if he had seen a SureFire in his time?

torch! torchtorchtorch!:devil:

a flashlight by any other name would still provide light.

Ive called them torches all my life...only for the benefit of CPF do i say flashlight..

and i think your are baiting again...:thinking:

We don't sleep very well at night. Our flashlight obsession is simply an adult manifestation of our childhood fear of the dark and monsters in the closet.

the vacuuum, some 409, and my glock 22 really took care of the monsters in the closet but the dark really freaks me out sometimes still; the flashlights definitely come in handy

i think it is pretty damn cool that there are a lot of international members on this site and its unique seeing the perspectives from a lot of UK, asian, and even south american members. i wish all those folks had their gun rights too so we can talk about my other hobbies too

Caligvla, since i grew up in the south, a biscuit to me is a fist sized doughy thing covered in gravy. but i do like the "torch peoples" food, especially fish n chips and beef wellington