You Want Flood!?... You Got It! ('Floodmax') by Milkyspit


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 16, 2006
Southern California
What do you get when you cross little wee reflectors and a Super Efficient LED?
Well, This baby Is rated at 375lm and Has the HUGEST wall of light I've ever seen.
Introducing the 'Floodmax' :rock:
It uses Little wee McR11's paired with 3 Seouls USVOI @ 500mA.
I get a little over an Hour on 1x18650, and about 1 Hour on 2xCR123A's. :naughty:

It's on a Old Style KL3 Head and Is paired with a Leef Body and SW02
Beamshots will follow In a bit. Still pretty bright out here.

The Tint Is nice and warm (Something that I like).
Now, for pictures.
Thanks Milkyspit!

For Info on purchasing Milyspit Mods like these please contact Milkyspit.

So Innocent, yet so bright

These Reflectors are SO small! Compared to the top of a CR123A

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Me too, Flood lights are the best to use imho. You can see EVERYTHING without turning and moving the light to see what it is. I really like the SF L4 wall of light, how does this compare to it? Is this something that is 10x or 100x floodier then the L4? Is there such thing in a small package? I too would be interest in some beamshots whenever you get a chance. Thanks.
Makes me wonder if you could fit 4 Seoul's in there..
supes said:
Me too, Flood lights are the best to use imho. You can see EVERYTHING without turning and moving the light to see what it is. I really like the SF L4 wall of light, how does this compare to it? Is this something that is 10x or 100x floodier then the L4? Is there such thing in a small package? I too would be interest in some beamshots whenever you get a chance. Thanks.
Makes me wonder if you could fit 4 Seoul's in there..

Thanks for the comments guys.
I've always liked "Throw" Lights, but something about this I really Like.

I don't have a L4. I've had one before though...This Is exceptionally brighter than the Surefire L4 about 3x. Although the 'Floodmax' Is MUCH more floody. It seems like It's throw Is on Par with The L4 since It has So much output.
The Beam Is perfect and HUGE. This Is the true definition Of a "Wall Of light"

Beamshots will follow :popcorn:
Here a few beamshots.

Don't have anything right now to compare It to except my Beloved Aleph 3 NG750-S. Quite the opposite Of My 'Floodmax'.

The Hotspot Isn't as noticable as shown below. Still a big ball of white light.
It has absolutely no throw beyond 10-20M, But for those 10-20m It Lights everything AND I mean everything

WOW!!! I love flooders for trails at night. Hmmm. This one is soooo compelling.

Thanks skalomax!!!
Sweet light Skalomax!! I am thinking about purchasing a Milky-mod myself pretty soon, and this light is for sure being considered as one of my options. Do you think you could PM some details of your build(price, parts that you have to supply, etc)?

Also, it would be nice to see some of your "real-world" beamshots of this light. I think it would help illustrate the intense flood and output of this beauty....
Chronos: Scott was telling me how much you like floodlights. Im sure You'll love this one. :) Great light for walking around a Trail.

Strauss:Taking an outside beamshot will make It look dim, the fact of the matter Is, It's super bright. I can light up my WHOLE backyard with a push of a button.

Man I love this light!

and thanks for the comments. Greatly appreciated.
FINALLY someone builds this. I want to see single emitter, variable output versions now for ultimate runtime.
For as much space as is left in the head, he should have put in four or five. :lolsign:
Very nice Scalomax! It's refreshing to see people enthusiastic about flood lights. I love that wall of light effect in you beam shots. Very cool.
Patriot36 said:
Very nice Scalomax! It's refreshing to see people enthusiastic about flood lights. I love that wall of light effect in you beam shots. Very cool.

Yeah, I wasn't really Into flood lights. Something about this Light I really like.
It's great, Probably the most useful light I owned.

I told Milkyspit to try and fit a couple more, It wasn't possible.