Your Favorite SF A2 Aviator Mod?


Oct 3, 2007
Ramona, CA
I've got a SF A2 Aviator that I've used sparingly, and was wondering what all you light maniacs considered the best Mod for this little workhorse?

I'd like to keep it to around $250 or under and would favor overall brightness over run time. any thoughts or ideas would be most welcome.

Strion kit + IMR123's + Avantrix LED mod + Oregonshooter tailcap. All for a lot less than 250 (if you can find people willing to part with their stuff)
Lumens factory bulb, wait for a2l mayby a lunasol if an extra bundle of cash come your way...
If you want brightness then go with the Strion Kit that FiveMega had available.
The strion kits uses a specially base made by FM that uses Streamlight (I think) Strion bi-pin bulbs. These bulbs are brighter than the standard MA02 in your light now, however the brightness does come at a runtime cost.
You will probably need to post a Buy notice on the Marketplace as I don't think FM is currently making these.
If you search hard enough, you will come up to a review by one of our mods (DM51) that reviews these kits.

That is about the only thing that is going to give you noticeable brightness IMO. You can get a different LED ring, but that ring is made for close up work and one of the many benefits of using an A2.

Also, don't use the A2 sparingly. Use it all the time :) The more you use it, the more you will fall in love with it. If you haven't already, search for the A2 review from JS. His review will go as deep as you want in regards to the A2. No other review comes close.
thanks for the ideas, guys. couldn't say I knew about sanding LEDs before this. lovecpf

and like the idea about free mods to boot. Wasn't saying I wanted to spend $250, but that was my outside limit. now, more reading...:wave:
Lumens factory bulb, wait for a2l mayby a lunasol if an extra bundle of cash come your way...

already own a Lunasol and put it up for sale here since I don't use it and want to spend the money on other lights or mods.
Oy, if I end up with the cash for the last Strion kit (I get $40, instead of $400 from my taxes; the $400 going for a Chimera Mini) they'll have a legitimate case of my following in your footsteps. ;)
I am going to have to see about saving up the cash for one of these kits. Those are nice. I haven't done any other mods to my Aviator yet. I just wish Atomic Chicken hadn't dropped off from CPF. I have tried sending him PM's but his box is full. The aviatrix rings are very nice.
Oy, if I end up with the cash for the last Strion kit (I get $40, instead of $400 from my taxes; the $400 going for a Chimera Mini) they'll have a legitimate case of my following in your footsteps. ;)

Really trying to avoid the chimera mini, but it calls to me:poke:
Strion Kit

Oregon shooter's tailstanding ring

Solder in different 5mm LED's

Sand the LED's

Place a small tritium behind each LED

Koala's Onion ring (I can only predict it will be a smash hit)