your thoughts on a versatile light


Newly Enlightened
Aug 25, 2008
Outer Galactic Rim Of The Coruscant Star System
I've been lurking around these forums for a quite a few months now, listening, learning from you fine people. But today, I found courage to write my very first post...."Hello CPF!" Thank you for the vast wealth of information here, you have helped me more than you know.

I'd like to buy my brother his first flashlight and I want it to make an impact. I have a modest collection of lights since I found these forums(sarcastically* thanks CPF:sigh🙂, and though he is envious, a good, versatile light may change all that. Initially, I thought of getting him a 6pl with the malkoff drop-in, but I recently came across the Olight M20 Warrior with a cree R2.

He is head of security at a high end night club. I imagine he would need a compact light with a low, medium, as well as a high setting. Do you have another light in mind? Or would this new M20 fit the bill?

Your thoughts/comments are welcome and greatly appreciated. Thank you all.
Seems a bit large for pocket carry.
For something different I have beenimpressed with the Lumapower lights:, look at the incendio and connexxion.
The Novatacs are getting DIRT cheap in CPFMP right now, some good buys to be had there on a lightly used light.
The beams I have seen from the few Fenix lights I have come across have lef me breathless!! Well worth the time to look at them.
I would think "discreet" would be a key word for his job. Big things do come in some small packages!
Also look at the Olight t-10/t-15. Good lights and a fantastic value. My t-10 is my edc light and is well worth the money.

Fenix P1D Q5, very small light, packs a huge punch for the size plus you have strobe to disorientate anyone if needed, id get him that as a backup, have a look at the TK range, high and low modes and a very tough light, incase he needs to use defensivly

The Olight M20 is sure to impress, but I'm not sure that it would be a suitable gift.
For non-flashaholics, I'd recommend staying away from lithium rechargeables (the risks/penalties of error are too high). That leaves primaries and NiMH rechargeables.

For non-flashaholics, I'd recommend sticking with a pocket-carry or keychain light. That would include 1xAAA, 1xAA, 2xAA, and 1xCR123 form factors. (Exceptions: Those who have specific hand-carry needs such as building inspectors, security personnel, etc. In that case, a 4xD or even bigger might be suitable.)
If you think your brother can handle the cost of buying CR123 primaries and can handle the bulk of the M20, then it's a fine choice.

Otherwise, a good second choice would be the L2D Q5. Not as bright as your first choice and it lacks the physicality for busting people's heads, but its understated design might be a better match for your brother's occupation.

And if you spring for rechargeable NiMH AA batteries, I'd suggest getting the batteries with the best combination of proven quality, capacity, low self-discharge, and cost. In my opinion, the Maha Powerex 2700 mah cells are the best for personal carry flashlights. See related discussion.

Unfortunately, it seems that the word has gotten out about this premium battery. Its current price is more than double what I paid 2 years ago, making it one of the more expensive AA batteries on the market. Therefore, Ii'd suggest that you also consider the well-regarded Eneloop 2000 mah batteries - they are probably cheaper and more available in your area.
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I think the Olight M20 is likely to be a very good light for your purpose.
It is a bit large, but it may work very well if it is carried in a belt holster. Also most nightclub security guys I've come across aren't usually little people, so it may fit quite easily into a pocket. :grin2:

1dash1... The M20 can take CR123 primaries. :thinking: It just also has the ability to use superior 18650s. And protected 18650s, especially when not used in series aren't much of a worry.
My "little" brother is 6'2 250lbs, and he prefers the feel of the heftier pocket lights(T1, TK11) as opposed to the much smaller powerhouses (p2d, E1b). You wouldn't believe how much action he gets every night, even in a high-end nightclub, so self-defense is a must.

As far as batteries, I would get him everything he would need, even get him a nice holster. He wears a jacket, suit and tie to work so there shouldn't be a problem concealing the light. The M20 is 140mm or 5.5 inches, the T1 136mm, but no low setting.

Again, I thank you all very much for taking time to help me with great responses and, as usual, will take everything you say into consideration.
1dash1... The M20 can take CR123 primaries. :thinking: It just also has the ability to use superior 18650s. And protected 18650s, especially when not used in series aren't much of a worry.

Regarding the CR123's, no disagreement.

As to 18650's, I agree that using 18650's isn't "much of a worry" (for you or me) and I agree that its ability to use 18650's is a nice feature of the M20. However, in the context of gifting to a non-flashaholic, I would discourage Noobiwan from making a gift of 18650 cells and charger unless he knows that his brother is up to the challenge of safely managing the resource. 😎
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i would personaly say the TK10/11 or maybe even 20.

since it'll be used offten, i'd say the 20, so he can use nimh, and to read IDs and stuff, he can just use the spill of the low mode instead of the hot spot. and then when people get all crazy, put that baby in the high mode. 150 fenix lumens should be enough for a night club.
The TK20 might work well for this because of the AA batteries which can easily be replace if needed. But he can probably also carry spare batteries if needed.

Does he need more of a spotting light or more of a wider beam?

The M20 does look pretty good.
A focused beam would be more suitable. A wider beam would cause some disturbance, especially when most lights will be dimmed. That's why a low setting would be great in this case. Of course, having an extremely bright light output in a volatile situation can be handy as well.
If you want really spotty and don't mind Maglite sized bezel(still shorter then the 2C though) the Dereelight DBS might be good. One of the best throwing stock LED lights. It is easily upgraded but runs on either CR123s or Li-ion batteries(the 18650 to be exact).

The Tk20 might be good because of the low output, momentary on, and AA powered. but there has been no reviews that I remember so might not be the best choice.
First off, I want to thank everyone who took time to give their advice on this subject. It came down to the tk20 and the M20, so to really make sure the right decision was made, I did the unimaginable and asked my brother which light he preferred. Turns out he likes the M20 (maybe because of the higher lumen output), so I jumped the gun and ordered the light.

I received the package this morning and I have to say the M20 is one sexy lookin' light. It came with a holster, lanyard, couple of o-rings, but no smooth reflector. Hopefully, this gets corrected (I paid $9.95 extra for it), but I do feel good about the decision, so as long as both parties are happy, I have no problem with the buy. Thank you all again for your help.
Welcome to the forums Noobiwan! (I like the name, very Star Wars 😀)

I think you made a great choice and your bro' obviously likes it so the only hard part, now, is getting a chance to play with it for awhile and then the need to give it up. Good luck! :poke:
Hi superflytnt, and thanks for the welcome. Believe me, I'm already playing with the light and doing some "white wall" comparisons with the TK11, CL1HV4 and DBS V2. Surely the force shall bring him to the "light" side after this gift.:twothumbs