your thoughts on dog fighting*closed*

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2006
Dark! Dank! Murky! England.
please lets not get into a argument.keep it clean,and definitely no fighting. me personally i hate the thought! what do you think!
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Re: your thoughts on dog fighting

Uh... it's bad, I guess.

Other than those that profit from it or are drunk off their arse and having nothing better to do than watch it, who would actually be supportive of dog fighting?


I think much like many forms of gambling, that animal treatment issues aside, no good comes from having dog fighting in your area. When you DO consdier the animal treatment, I think it's completely unforgivable.
Re: your thoughts on dog fighting

This thread should be combined with the "Any Dog Owners" thread. If you think some of us are fanatical about the RKBA...........
Re: your thoughts on dog fighting

Oh dear have I touched a nerve. I did not intentionally.start something which could not be resolved. it was as in my first thread, what is your thought not what you acctualy do!!!
Who would be stupid enough to post that they enjoy it. Any form of animal fighting is wrong.

Sorry to say it, but this is a meaningless post.
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