Zebralight A50 tint very very bad.

Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
I just got an A50-Q5 from Fenix stores and the tint is very very bad. Can't even read by the light as the pages are green and it gives me a headache. Heck on low it looks like I am swimming in a sea of green muck. No way will I be able to distinguish trail markers from greenish moss with this thing if my main headlamp does out. Is this bad tint common with Zebralights?
Going to send it back for a new one. Heck a headlamp is not a flashlight as it is worn for hours. I am not picky however 20 minutes of this thing was enough for me.:shakehead
However beyond that major issue (at least with my night trail hikes) I think the H50 has great potential given the nice low level. I just can't handle a pissy green world in camp for what will amount to 5-6 hours at a clip.
You got a dud then, as mine throws a bright white flood. I was skeptical of this light when I ordered it mainly because of the price.....but it is my favorite light now. I have been using a Streamlight Septor for the last several years for my work.....but 1 AA beats 3 AAA in this case with much better light. I will be ordering some "spares"!
I am more of a G19 type of person myself. :cool: I heard these lights had good white output and was a bit suprised at this. If it was a keychain light like an E01 I wouldn't care and not overly picky about things however a headlamp is not a flashlight that I often use for maybe 10 minutes. Even my cheap-pile-o-junk husky 1.99 flashlight is better to read by.:mecry:
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That's really a drag. Hope you got it from 4Sevens, so you won't be waiting for the slow boat from China. I remember waiting a long time for mine to arrive direct from Zebralights. When it's good, it's very good.

I don't generally worry a lot about tint, but after reading this thread I compared my H50 to my new H60 and my H50 does have a slightly greener tint than the H60. Not enough for me to worry about, but you should get what you want.
Yea I got it from 7777. Sent it back today. With luck the great customer service I have heard about is true. Cross my fingers. I am very sensitive to green tint. Only could stand it for 20 minutes before putting the thing back in the package and shipping it out. Maybe I am of the minority but can't deal with that. I don't care about the purple with my E01 or cool blue from my G2Z LED however green gives me a headache. It was made worse by the great flood of the A50 as I was surrounded by it. I felt like a gamma ray victim.

My ultimate plain is to use it inside my Tipi.


Feeding my homemade wood stove.


With luck I will get a better one back from 7777. However beyond the tint the light was well made, threads lubed and didn't make any funky sounds. I do like the beam. It is just like taking the bezel of an LED Mag down to the plain LED. Sent one of my hunting buddies 7777's way and he got a P2D, LOD and H30 (cr123 version if I got my numbers right). His was white. Go figure. I think 7777 should hit the hunting/hiking market harder. Many are willing to pay 50-70 bucks for a good flashlight. Beyond people like us not a great deal of the market will do it.

Yea the Tipi rocks and it all fits in my pack. Makes those sub zero nights oh so nice. Outdoors is the reason why I like flashlights and headlamps. If not for that I would be happy with one EDC light. But in the woods a good headlamp and flashlight offers more active time. Walking though freezing rain at night pushing late to a camp site or lean-too and you really don't want to be hitting the deck with a full pack. I guess this is the same thing that brings cavers to CPF. Once you start getting gear items it seems more and better are needed but to be honest I could get by with the stuff I got years ago. But what is the fun in that?
Here is my Zebra light update.

I got my old H50 returned with the following letter.

"I was unable to contact you via email or phone as neither were provided on your account. The h50 you sent in to us is in perfect working order and thus not applicable for an exchange.
Because tint of LEDs varies and is cosmetic rather than defect: it is not covered under our warranty Tint, whether warm or cool, is subjective and we are not able to handpick.
In the future please obtain an rma from our store. This may have saved some shipping for you in this case. Please call if you have any questions."

I gave my Email and phone number during my order over the phone so guessing there must be a clerical problem someplace. Anyways I was kinda pissed off but sucked it up and put in a new battery and decided to just live with it. On low it was greenish however got warmer the nearer I was to an object. I didn't notice this before as tested it farther from things. Then I moved it up to medium and high. What is this?



To my eye the light was many times brighter and warmer than before. In fact they did me a big favorer in not exchanging the light as it is kinda nice. But I could not understand it as this was clearly the same light (it came with a very small snag in the headband) so why was it so much brighter and appeared to have a warmer tint on medium and high? Before I sent it off there was not a great deal of difference between the settings. So I got to thinking. I found the same battery used the first time and it was an Energizer NiMH 2500. Sure enough the battery was not holding a charge and the light was never in regulation. So now everything is fine. Tossed the last of the 2500's and using LSD from now on.

All is well that ends well. :)
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