Zebralight Anodised Finish Problem


Newly Enlightened
Sep 22, 2007
Leeds, England
Hi all,

Picked up an old Zebralight H30 on a whim as they are nearly sold out here in the UK and won't be replaced due to production being stopped.

Anyway, the finish has a couple of minor scuffs. Obviously doesn't effect the functionality, but I do like my lights to appear brand new!

As this was one of the first models to come out from Zebralight, I wonder if I have an 'early' one and if they ever had anodising problems when these first appeared on the market.

From other threads, finish on the newer models appears to be first rate.

Anyone else found any anodising problems on their H30 (or even H50)?

Cheers - Steve
Did you purchase yours second hand?

I've never heard of bad anodizing being shown as scuffs. Usually some parts are fainter than others or appear thinner if done poorly.
No, purchased brand new from a UK distributor....

Perhaps 'scuffs' is the wrong word, it's just that I can see a couple of places on the body which are lighter than the rest of the olive green colour and somwhat shiny if you catch the light right.

The areas are very small, if I run my fingernail over them I cannot feel any 'steps' so must be only microns deep.

I don't think it's been dropped, honestly looks like a finish issue...
No, purchased brand new from a UK distributor....

Perhaps 'scuffs' is the wrong word, it's just that I can see a couple of places on the body which are lighter than the rest of the olive green colour and somwhat shiny if you catch the light right.

The areas are very small, if I run my fingernail over them I cannot feel any 'steps' so must be only microns deep.

I don't think it's been dropped, honestly looks like a finish issue...

In that case I say send it back - sounds like a QC issue.
In that case I say send it back - sounds like a QC issue.

Hi nick-nack,

I don't think it's worth the postage and quibble with the retailer, the spots are very small and unoticable unless I really look for them. They are only annoying because once I did notice them, they seem to stand out far more (when they don't really to the un-trained eye if you get my meaning).

As the beam and tint are just what I want, I'm gonna keep this one, with the view to keeping an eye on the finish of further Zebralight purchases.

I have had experiences in the past of not liking something trivial about a light, sending it back and then receiving one with a different (and awful) tint or nasty beam with artifacts. Not risking it with this one ha ha! It's the beam and functionality which is more important to me.

I just wondered if anyone had similar experiences with Zebralight, that's all.


Cheers Steve