ZebraLight SC600

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Derek Dean

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 14, 2006
Monterey, CA
How long does ZL usually take to replace a defective light? I sent mine to them on the 20th and now can't even get a email reply out of them.
If you sent your light in on the 20th of December, it more than likely didn't arrive until Monday the 26th or even Tuesday the 27th.

Many facilities run with reduced hours during the holidays, so I would be a bit more patient. They will probably be back to regular hours starting Monday the 2nd, and you should expect to receive a response to your e-mail by Tuesday or Wednesday as they begin to catch up.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 25, 2011
Knoxvegas, TN
Thanks for the reply Derek. I just started to get anxious wondering if it might have got lost in the mail on the way to them. I should have spent the couple $ more and got the insurance and tracking, oh well. They finally emailed me last night and said they would let me know something on Tuesday.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 26, 2010
I got my SC600 (updated version) for Xmas and so far its fantastic. It sure packs a punch for its size with huge flood, I've been looking for excuses to go out at night just to use it. I'm using AW 3100's which fit perfectly.

Even after reading all the praise about the UI it still sounded like a mess to me but a few days messing about and the compulsory 'straight to 750L in the middle of the night waking the wife', I've now got the hang of it. As many have said, a great UI. I'm now thinking about selling my TK15 as it seems redundant.



Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2011
Central Coast, Ca
The SC600 has a builtin over-discharging protection with 2.7 v cutoff. Does this mean that the newer 2900-3100mAh batteries rated for operation to 2.5 v cannot be utilized to their full potential in this light?


Dec 18, 2005
Honolulu, HI
The SC600 has a builtin over-discharging protection with 2.7 v cutoff. Does this mean that the newer 2900-3100mAh batteries rated for operation to 2.5 v cannot be utilized to their full potential in this light?

Not really, imo. First one has to realize that just because one might be able to (more or less safely) discharge a li-ion cell down to 2.5 volts, that doesn't mean that this is a desirable thing to do, especially on a regular basis. If you were to do that, or even discharge to 2.7 volts on a regular basis, you would be greatly shortening the life (number of charge/discharge cycles) you could expect to obtain from any particular li-ion cell. The best way to prolong the life of one's li-ion cells is to try to avoid ever discharging them down so low, unless it is necessary in an emergency situation.

Personally, I prefer to recharge at around 3.7 v, or higher, if at all possible. Best thing is to think of the over discharge protection as a built in safety feature but it is not a good idea to use that as an indication of when you should be re-charging. If you do regularly discharge your li-ion cells that low, imo, you will be greatly shortening their useful life.
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Apr 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
The SC600 has a builtin over-discharging protection with 2.7 v cutoff. Does this mean that the newer 2900-3100mAh batteries rated for operation to 2.5 v cannot be utilized to their full potential in this light?
Assuming you are using AW (or other high quality) protected batteries, the battery's protection circuit will kick in shortly before the flashlight's protection circuit does. You aren't losing anything.
Besides, it's not good to take li-ion batteries down to low voltages anyway. You will get many more cycles out of them if you don't discharge them deeply between charges.
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Mar 7, 2010
Hello all,

Off of the subject, but still on the SC600, I found another use for this little EDC. It works great as a handle. When put between the slots in plastic bags (or the cord handles of shopping bags) and your hand, the body of the little light makes a comfortable grip; thus making bags easier and more secure to carry.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 22, 2011
this is very good light which I think ,and I have one too.

I carry it everyday that can illuminate when I in the dark place.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 17, 2011
Well I have been carrying my new SC600w for about a week now and I have one word to describe it... WOW! :twothumbs:twothumbs

I have been absolutely blown away at how amazing this light is from the first millisecond I pulled it out of the tiny box it shipped in. At first I thought to myself "No way the light could fit in something this small, Zebralight must have sent me the wrong light" but upon opening it I was reassured it was definitely the SC600w, and boy is it tiny! Seriously, I can't get over how small the SC600w really is, no picture I have seen yet has truly shown the ultra compactness of the light.

Aside from it being really small, the build and look of this light is astounding, in fact I have not held such a awesome light in my hands since I first got a real flashlight several years ago (a Surefire). Every time I look at the light I can't believe that I have such a masterpiece in my possession, the look, the knurling, the feel... it is flawlessly perfect IMO. And I LOVE the old school olive-drab anodizing! So beautiful!

And the flood... oh man this light floods like no other! I was expecting the beam to be similar to a Quark XP-G beam in size (kind of a mix between flood and throw due to the reflector/emitter size), but compared to a Quark XP-G, the SC600w has easily 50-60% wider beam. It's currently the floodiest light I own, and I absolutely love it!

Another thing I can't believe is so perfect is the UI, absolutely ingenious design. Access to all modes within a few clicks, what's not to love? Electronic switch, oh yeah! My two favorite outputs are the 172 lumen and the medium 56 lumen, both of these have the runtime and output that I use most often and find most convenient. But that's not to say I don't use the turbo, wow this thing is bright! Every time I use the turbo (day or night) it feels like I have taken a piece of the sun and put it into my light, because it is really that immensely bright.

As for the tint, well I will say it is the best tint I have seen yet in a LED flashlight. Overall the tint is beautiful across all the modes, as it has a creamy color to it that is surprisingly warm. But there is a bit of green in the tint, sadly. It's very minor, but the green is there.

The green is present in the hotspots corona, just on the outer edge. You can really only see it when you have the beam shining on a close object where the spill and hotspot are in obvious contrast, however from a distance the overall blend of the tint is practically flawless and the green is all but gone. And after using the light for a few minuets your eyes adjust and the green fades away and all you see is a amazingly beautiful warmish tint.

For curiosities sake I used a Lee filter (1/8 minus green magenta filter) and it was more than enough to eradicate the green and make the beam utterly flawless. But I am not going to use the filter because it turns the end of my light into a strange looking pink flashlight (if looking at the bezel). So far this is the only complaint I have about the light, if Zebralight had slightly more magenta in the tint and slightly less green, it would be 100% flawless, but as it stands now the tint is only 90% flawless, which is still really stinking good and better than anything I have seen yet! :) It seems the SC600w is another Cree LED that is on the yellow side of the ANSI binning rather than the magenta side (very similar in tint to the High CRI 4sevens run done recently). I would estimate the SC600w I have is in the 5B2/4C range.

Overall I would not part this light for anything, I think this is truly as close to being the perfect light for me as can be, and this is all I will ever need for the rest of my life. Even with the minor tint issue, I just can't get enough of this light!


Jun 19, 2009
Could it possible run on one CR123 and a dummy cell. Run time might be low or nil on turbo but you would get the lower levels?

Sent from my smart phone using Tapatalk


Newly Enlightened
Jan 8, 2009
Two inqueries:
1. This is my only 18650 light. I'm reluctant to over accessorize as I carry my other Zebralights more due to size convenience. My usage is several times a week (3 to 4) but never more than 90-minutes at a time, so far. There may be occasion for longer but it's not regular. So what's the minimum number of batteries that one needs to own at one time?

2. Does anyone have any suggestions for a hard-case for the SC600 plus room for two 18650 batteries? (Otterbox or Pelican or other) I want to carry the light more but need a way to protect the batteries.
I'm leaning towards the Pelican with the pick and pluck foam. The 1010 MicroCase has the closest external dimensions to the Zebralight box and sufficient internal dimensions for the light and batteries.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 12, 2010
South Central New Jersey, USA
Two inqueries:

2. Does anyone have any suggestions for a hard-case for the SC600 plus room for two 18650 batteries? (Otterbox or Pelican or other) I want to carry the light more but need a way to protect the batteries.

You seem to be right regarding the Pelican 1010. I remembered seeing this post from burntoshine several pages back so I thought I'd bring it forward until he returns. He'll probably have additional input since adopting this setup, including the additional spare carrier.

just made a very fresh discovery...


Pelican 1010 - it's perfectly snug; not crazy tight and not loose at all. closes normally and there's no rattle or movement!

EDIT: further shaking revealed some battery movement, but a little piece of something soft should probably fix that.


Dec 27, 2008
the local group
...yeah, the SC600(w) just barely fits in the pelican 1010; nice and snug! and it will hold two extra 18650s. it will close without hinderence. if i remember correctly, the top battery was firmly in place, but the bottom battery had extra room and would need some foam (or something similar) to prevent it from moving around.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2011
1. This is my only 18650 light. I'm reluctant to over accessorize as I carry my other Zebralights more due to size convenience. My usage is several times a week (3 to 4) but never more than 90-minutes at a time, so far. There may be occasion for longer but it's not regular. So what's the minimum number of batteries that one needs to own at one time?
I like to have the battery inside the light and a spare. I prefer to carry the spare inside of another light, since another light isn't much larger then a battery carrier, and you know 2 is 1, and 1 is none. However if you need some links for battery tubes send me a PM. It is not the best idea to have a ton of spares because li-ion cells start degrading once they leave the factory, although they are rechargeable, they still have a shelf life. New technology and better chemistries have allowed these cells to increase capacity and probably have much longer shelf lives. Also, li-ion cells don't mind being topped off frequently, but they don't do well being stored discharged.

Basically a couple spares isn't bad, but you don't want to have a lot sitting around collecting dust. It is better to have a one or two cells, keep them fully charged, and rotate them. If you usually carry other lights I would probably get 1 battery and keep it topped off after every use.


Mar 28, 2009
Could it possible run on one CR123 and a dummy cell. Run time might be low or nil on turbo but you would get the lower levels?

Sent from my smart phone using Tapatalk
I've recently made the move to 18650 lights and bought a couple dummies just in case. The SC600 works fine with dummies, will light up the HIGH levels, but I wouldn't recommend it for even short times as the current draw is so high. Nice to have backup options.
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