Its a sad day


Oct 28, 2004
Irving, Texas
Last night my dog of 15 years passed away. I grew up with her, and I was always really close. When I moved away to college, her health started to fail, and last night she gave up the fight. The past week she seemed like she was in a great deal of pain, the vet said that there wasn't anything left to do and we could choose euthanasia or to let her go naturally, he suggested naturally. I just finished all of my exams, so luckily this won't effect my performance at school, but its going to be really hard. She was a great dog, very obedient, she loved children, and she had the gentlest touch of any dog I have ever been around.

Brownie, you will be sorely missed. Here is a picture of her:

I'm not sure why I'm making this post, I just feel like i need to tell people.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2006
not far enough away
i am so sorry for your loss:candle: she sounds like she was a great dog

if it counts any that looks like a really great picture of her.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2002
Tennessee., USA
Mc, I feel your pain.

I lost TWO of my three good friends this spring. My backyard seems an empty desert without them.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 22, 2006
I know exactly how you are feeling, because I had dogs all my life and some of them already passed away too. Every single time we lost one of our loved friends, my mom (she loves them too) uses to say that she will never want a dog again because the suffering caused by the lost. When it happens, there is something that I always say to her: "Was better that he/she lived with us, surrounded by love and bringing us happiness, instead have suffered with some family who could treat him/her bad or even though in the streets."

So that's it. We will all pass away some day. Was not different with Brownie, unfortunately. But you know (and she knows) that you loved her. So I'm sure that she is happy.
By the way, she's beautiful!
I'm sorry for your lost.

A hug!


Newly Enlightened
Dec 6, 2003

Condolences your way, I know exactly what you are feeling. June of '02 we had to put our baby to sleep who by the way is almost a carbon copy of the black lab in your photos, even the Carolina Blue collar. She was our only child and was 15 years 4 months when she passed. We adopted her at 8 wks. That was the hardest paper I've ever had to sign for euthanasia. We were with her and my wife and I were crying, and even the Vet was shedding tears as he had been her only Doc for her entire life. She was a sweetheart. We had her cremated and still have her with us today. Have not gotten another yet but are beginning to think about it. You'll always have wonderful memories and again
so sorry for the loss. Folks without pets cannot begin to understand the hurt when a beloved animal family member leaves us. Again, our condolences.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 24, 2002
New Jersey
Sorry for your loss buddy. I know how you feel. They definitely become part of the family and its just aweful to loose them.

Take care and God bless,


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 3, 2004
Boston, Massachusetts
sorry to hear about your loss!!! These things are sooo hard!!!!

I lost my dog after 13 yrs together and it was very hard. She saw me go from a dorky 13 year old to an even dorlier 26 year old (she was 1 when we got her)

Time does ease the pain but remember you gave the pup the best! As many dogs never have the love and care you showed your pup, this is in itself the best gift. Life marches on and you are a part of her "picture book" which contains all of her good memories.

Just think of all the bad dog owners she could have had and realize the great things you did for her throughout her whole life. As she is a part of you're internal "picture book" and will live on forever!


Oct 28, 2004
Irving, Texas
Thanks for all of the kind words, it really means a lot. I just got home and my other dog is really sad. I brought her inside and she doing better. She seems so lonely. As hard as it is for me and my family I can't imagine how she feels, their whole lives they have only been apart for maybe a week total. All of the posts that y'all have made have really made me feel better, and once again I really appreciate it. My brother and sisters and I were thinking about getting a puppy for my parents for Christmas, as we knew this day was approaching, and in a few weeks I think that we will. I believe that It will really help the hurt of this loss for both us and my other dog. Of course it seemed a lot easier a week ago when we talked about it, than it does now, but I think that it is the right thing to do. When I was driving home today I stopped for gas and when I was almost done filling up a guy came over and asked me if he could borrow some gas to get his van started. Normally I would have to say no because I am really strapped for cash until the mid of this month. But when I thought about everything, I filled his tank up. It really felt good and seemed to ease the pain. Once again, thanks for everything, CPF has always been a place that felt like a big family, and this has further strengthened that.



Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
I'm sorry for your loss, Chris. Brownie looked like a real sweetheart. A doggone good dog gone. :(

I agree with your idea of getting a puppy. It will help fill the void in your family's lives as well as keep the other dog company. In the meantime give some extra attention to the other dog and make sure it gets plenty of exercise to keep it's mind off of the loss of Brownie.

Good luck, Chris. When the new puppy arrives, Brownie will probably be looking down at you and smiling.
Last edited:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 5, 2005
San Jose, CA
Losing a pet is no different than losing any other member of your family, and in some cases it can be even more traumatic. Allow yourself the time and opportunity to grieve and mourn.


Aug 20, 2004
Sydney, Australia

I am sorry for your loss.
A U-bin modded Longbow is aimed skywards now in her memory, with a prayer that this helps whole thing helps you be as good a person as you can be...


Apr 1, 2006
Just Outside Chicago
mccavazos said:
Last night my dog of 15 years passed away. I grew up with her, and I was always really close. When I moved away to college, her health started to fail, and last night she gave up the fight. The past week she seemed like she was in a great deal of pain, the vet said that there wasn't anything left to do and we could choose euthanasia or to let her go naturally, he suggested naturally. I just finished all of my exams, so luckily this won't effect my performance at school, but its going to be really hard. She was a great dog, very obedient, she loved children, and she had the gentlest touch of any dog I have ever been around.

Brownie, you will be sorely missed. Here is a picture of her:

I'm not sure why I'm making this post, I just feel like i need to tell people.
Brownie was a very beautiful Dog. I feel your loss. Three years ago on Christmas morning, I had to put my Siberian Husky, Pepe, down. That was the worst thing I ever had to do. Now his Kennel mate an Akita named Mijo is getting pretty bad. She is losing the control of her back legs and bowel. She has seizures from time to time. She will be 13 years old next month. They both were outdoor dogs, and I always heated their kennel. This year I put in air conditioning for the summer so she would be more comfortable. I hate seeing them have to go. Their lives are too, too short. Brownie will be in my thoughts and prayers. Her face looks almost exactly like my Mijo.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 10, 2004
outside of Austin, TX

So sorry for your loss. I'm still hurting from having to put down our beautiful Golden Retriever a few years ago. I firmly believe, though, that, as soon as you think the time is right, you should get another dog. He or she won't replace Brownie (what a beautiful picture!), but will help fill the void. So many dogs need a good home, that I believe that the people who love them should never be without one.

After we mourned our loss, my family adopted the beautiful Pointer you see in my avatar, and we love her completely. Dog people simply shouldn't be without dogs, and visa versa.

Best wishes,


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