Earth Day 2024?

Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.

No, Starhalo got really political and with a superior boy attitude toward it.
Greta gave him several chances and he ignored her (Greta was the owner of CPF)

In the end Greta told him to **** off with no more warnings,, he was shown out to the sanctuary of his phone & his semi Socialist State.

He became a total d-bag
The only detail I remember is that Starhalo used one of the music threads to opine his political views and then Greta calling him out for it. I wasn't following him, so probably missed viewing then reading a few of his posts around that time. I always thought he just got mad and left.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
I remember he had real concerns about COVID while others started fighting him about it. Wonder if he still gets in that battle like some still do.

Seems like he did not come back here under a different name…


Aug 27, 2006
The only detail I remember is that Starhalo used one of the music threads to opine his political views and then Greta calling him out for it. I wasn't following him, so probably missed viewing then reading a few of his posts around that time. I always thought he just got mad and left.
Pretty much all of the above from what others have said as well. Though I definitely don't recall the Socialism thing from him. I think at the time that it was a combination of him being shown the door by Greta, but also at that point he was happy to leave too. That's how I remember it. He made some great topics and even more great posts back in the day. S.H. was one of the reasons I enjoyed coming here, back then.

I still remember when District Attorney Vance thought he was the dictator of NYC, and started outright banning by declaration, any folding knife that was too easy to flick open by simply declaring it an illegal gravity knife. In violation of The Sullivan act of 1911. (Nevermind that actual gravity knives don't require wrist-flicks to open.) The whole thing was idiotically ridiculous. I took precautions, and never did get stopped by the NYPD when out & about in Manhattan. But a massive number of otherwise law-abiding citizens, did! It was really bad! Up to the individual officer himself if you got arrested or simply had your knife confiscated. Or, confiscated and here's your summons to appear in court and pay a large fine as punishment too. All the knife shops I frequented back then talked about actual NYPD detectives (not officers) assigned to come in and check the shop's entire inventory, to make sure their knives couldn't easily be flicked open.

According to one shop owner, the detective told her he was sorry to be there; wasting both their time. She sold only a few Santa Fe Stoneworks models in her custom leather shop. He examined each one. Pulled a few to the side. Told her to tighten down the pivot pins on those, then left without fining her. The little dictator even went after various knife companies! Sal from Spyderco temporarily stopped selling his models in NYC, entirely! Finally, all that hoplophobic nonsense came to an end after the miserable little goose-stepping dictator faced backlash from more than one class-action lawsuit against the city. That put him in his place. Unfortunately it took far too many years than it should have.

Two cases that stand out for me:
City bus-driver getting arrested in full uniform on the job because his Buck 110 was declared to be an illegal gravity knife. And, StarHalo losing his Spyderco Paramilitary 2 due to confiscation.... and not being able to replace it. (Ironically, I've got that model headed to me in the mail.)


Aug 27, 2006
I remember he had real concerns about COVID while others started fighting him about it. Wonder if he still gets in that battle like some still do.

Seems like he did not come back here under a different name…
That's one thing S.H. and I definitely agreed on.
I'm not digging up any dead horses from back then, though I could and wouldn't care. I'll just say this.... Something like a planetary pandemic that leaves behind more than a few corpses, really brings out everyone's true nature. It was very eye-opening to see which members rose to the occasion and showed the best of who they are, vs. those who happily dove into the deep end of the cesspool. Showing how selfish, and in some cases, downright vile they truly are. Very eye-opening indeed.


Dec 7, 2022
When my county made a big deal about me having a knife somewhere I wasn't suppossed to I stopped carrying them and moved up to guns in a more meaningful way.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I used to enjoy a good debate with ole Star. With him it never turned to personal attacks. At least between us two anyway. Oh, it got spirited at times but never personal. He'd defend his case well. One day Greta yelled at me for saying "Star, you're my favorite bowling pin" meaning it was easy to set him up then knock him down. He asked me to explain what I meant so I did and soon after heard from Greta. lol.

He had some valid points I didn't agree with but that's one of the beauties of the right to free speech, right? Unfortunately the covid thing brought out a lot of angst among a lot of members and suddenly there were two distinct camps.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
I used to enjoy a good debate with ole Star. With him it never turned to personal attacks. At least between us two anyway. Oh, it got spirited at times but never personal. He'd defend his case well. One day Greta yelled at me for saying "Star, you're my favorite bowling pin" meaning it was easy to set him up then knock him down. He asked me to explain what I meant so I did and soon after heard from Greta. lol.
I remember you posting that. I thought Greta overreacted.

He had some valid points I didn't agree with but that's one of the beauties of the right to free speech, right? Unfortunately the covid thing brought out a lot of angst among a lot of members and suddenly there were two distinct camps.
As I remember it, one camp seemed to consist of people with questions, while the second camp was comprised of people who purported to know all the answers. Woe unto those asking questions, as they were drug across concrete by those of the second camp. Good times. NOT! :mad:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2007
As I remember it, one camp seemed to consist of people with questions, while the second camp was comprised of people who purported to know all the answers. Woe unto those asking questions, as they were drug across concrete by those of the second camp. Good times. NOT! :mad:

And you better not have questioned those that thought they had all the answers.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 22, 2010
bykfixer has the answer to the Earth Day question: "Every day is earth day. Not in the political or neo-religious sense, but common sense." I'm going to read some more Thoreau. No one loved the earth more than Thoreau did; no one has celebrated man's place in nature better than he has.


Aug 27, 2006
And you better not have questioned those that thought they had all the answers.
I distinctly remember three camps. Those who had questions, asked, got dragged through the mud. Those who thought they had all the answers that COVID was a hoax. Mainly because those from that camp either never got it, or we're extremely lucky that they got a very mild version of it that felt like a slightly bad flu. And just conveniently ignored all the deaths from around them by dismissing it as something that only killed off the elderly. Not true! But don't waste your time trying the reason with a fanatic. Third camp was the same as the last one, but thought everyone should blindly go along with every Government mandate that existed.

After awhile I stopped asking questions on here, and went and did my own research. My last question was about something that happened at my other job at which I saw an individual get infected with COVID a 2nd time. I clearly remember Greta being skeptical about that and posting an intelligent response. But oh! My post seriously ticked off one of the other camps! This belief that once you get infected, if you recover, you have immunity to COVID. With more than a few influential politicians stating that young folks should go get themselves intentionally infected to never worry about COVID again.

Well, today we know the truth. Get infected with one strain of COVID, survive, you'll never get infected again .... with that one particular strain of COVID. But you can still get "re-infected" with a different strain. As my best friend of over 30 years found out when it happened to him. After awhile, I left the COVID topics. Let the fanatics from those two camps scream at each other across a message board.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
I still think many health officials and politicians chose control and restriction so that they would not be held responsible if the disease ended up destroying the economy with so much loss of life.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
To be honest, nearly everybody looked bad in those days. Actions, reactions, post actions, no was a dark time for certain.

And then there was the world death clock that showed the daily toll of a novel virus that we may never know how it got out of the lab or the original bat or.....


May 4, 2014
I distinctly remember three camps. Those who had questions, asked, got dragged through the mud. Those who thought they had all the answers that COVID was a hoax. Mainly because those from that camp either never got it, or we're extremely lucky that they got a very mild version of it that felt like a slightly bad flu. And just conveniently ignored all the deaths from around them by dismissing it as something that only killed off the elderly. Not true! But don't waste your time trying the reason with a fanatic. Third camp was the same as the last one, but thought everyone should blindly go along with every Government mandate that existed.

After awhile I stopped asking questions on here, and went and did my own research. My last question was about something that happened at my other job at which I saw an individual get infected with COVID a 2nd time. I clearly remember Greta being skeptical about that and posting an intelligent response. But oh! My post seriously ticked off one of the other camps! This belief that once you get infected, if you recover, you have immunity to COVID. With more than a few influential politicians stating that young folks should go get themselves intentionally infected to never worry about COVID again.

Well, today we know the truth. Get infected with one strain of COVID, survive, you'll never get infected again .... with that one particular strain of COVID. But you can still get "re-infected" with a different strain. As my best friend of over 30 years found out when it happened to him. After awhile, I left the COVID topics. Let the fanatics from those two camps scream at each other across a message board.
My brother's a sparky and needs to go around to a lot of places in his job, he's been sick on average 4 times a year since this stuff started, and 75% of the time it's been Covid. I'm not going into the vaccines and all that since it opens up a whole other can of worms, but the claims made that you couldn't get sick again were, as you mentioned, hogwash and only meant for the same strain.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
I think most of my ideas for what I'd like to do on earth day would get me in trouble. I'd like to take the super glue away from environmental wackos and make them hug trees again. I'll leave it at that before anyone copies my ideas or I get banned for them.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 17, 2009
In the middle of Europe
It is always very personal what type of "day" makes sense or not.
Basically every day of the year there is something. There is a "Flashlight day", .... Here is a list:

At least the "Earth Overshoot Day" makes for me sense for me since we all are borrowing from our kids and grand kits their future. I shows very well something went wrong....


Aug 27, 2006
The issue isn't that our kids and grand-kids are facing a Dystopian future. The issue is, that future currently exists; and nothing is being done about it.