Lubricant's in cold weather


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2010
Have a couple tubes of nyogel around for my lights. But, it firms up in cooler weather, so what thinner lubes are out there for a twisty light?

I bought some Olight T10 R5's to replace my lost JB CLE and to give as gifts also. The problem is that the twisty part of the light is tight. I can open a coke bottle with one hand, using my thumb and pointer to spin the cap open. However, have a hard time operating this light with one hand. Some of those I intend to gift these to do not have alot of hand strength, and live in cold weather so it may be a potential problem. It appears to have nyogel of something thick already on it. Figure before l clean and lube them see if there is something thinner that will not thicken up, or at least won't thicken up as much in cold weather and make them easy to turn.