News from Iraq


Feb 9, 2004
West Palm Beach FLA (for a while anyway)
Hi all,
I will keep this short.

With the help of a bunch of ham radio clubs back home, I have been able to build a little FM stereo station for this base. The camp mayor won't let me turn it on without approval from higher HQ.

I'm going to call it WTFO 105.9 FM. It will be an album format station. The play list system in the MP3 juke box works like this. All the albums beginning with A, then B, and so on. I will collect music from the troopers and play that as well. So for the first week I get to hear what I like. Too bad most troopers like RAP. Perhaps I can change a few minds.

Been working on the programming material during the down time. One of the guys I shoot with back home ( me a bunch of old time radio show episodes of Gunsmoke on MP3. You can bet these kids never heard anything like this. The new unit that is going to take charge of this base has a clue and will give me a wink and nod approval for the station.

The Contractor commo team is making our selves useful on other non contract projects.

Improving the camp PA system. Right now it's wired together like a car stereo.

Signal flags for base status.

Getting people off the Army's data system and on to the MRW system for their personal e mail. An encrypted wireless lan for the whole living area. The Mayor is willing to spend money on the parts if we spec them out.

Also helping the Army in getting some new hand held radios into the hands of troopers. Got some frequencies from the Air Force coordinator and programmed them up. These are state of the art cop radios. Digital modulation, they sound like hash on a standard receiver. Very good tools.

What you are seeing on the news is only the tip of the iceberg around here.
The other morning we get a thump from the ground into the comm trailer.
Seems the bad guys blew up a bridge near here, about 5 miles away.

Had dinner last night with a KBR truck driver. Seems he knew the guy that was grabbed. What wasn't covered was of nine trucks in the convoy, eight of the other drivers were killed, and this one got out of his burning fuel truck and was grabbed.

Seems back in Kuwait, there is a line of truck drivers waiting to 'out process' and quit the job. They can't quit fast enough.

Many of the military units that were rotating home just came back. I'm seeing a lot of Armor headed north again. The units are not happy about it. Some have been here 14 months and just got extended a second or third time. The troopers are bitching about his and are in a foul mood. I suspect a lot of necks are going to be stepped on, and the rights of Iraqi citizens will not be so carefully respected.

Within the comm unit we have an 'arrangement' with the vehicle maintanance unit next door. If push comes to shove, we can get on the roof of the mechanics building and stay with them. For the moment it's the second highest structure on this base.

We are also going to check with the MP's and see if we can be issued weapons. A captured AK is loads better than a pile of stones.

While on the chow line for dinner last night, the MP's give somebody the bums rush out of the dining hall, and slammed him into the gravel. Seems he got into an argument with the camp mayor (LT. Col) and wouldn't leave when ordered. Last anybody saw of this dude was the MP's using plastic cuffs on one hand while is other hand was picking a rock out of his bleeding forehead. Idiot.

Last night the Army sent up some flairs, looking for something.

Somebody had an AD with a 50 cal. Made a dust cloud in the parking lot.

I'm happy to report the Army is responding well. Extra ammo cans are going into the vehicles, same for water and food.

I have talked to the camp mayor on this subject.
If there is a choice I am willing to say on the job if it's advised that contractors leave.
If we get an order to leave, then that's not something I can ignore.

I feel strongly about this mission. Already told the wife and sister about this thinking. They don't like it, but they are not here.

As I have told some of you before, I don't feel right about not sharing the risk the line troopers accept. Having to put on armor and take shelter I view as somewhat less than proper. Hiding while others face the risk is bad on the soul. Brave? No, just the willingness to stand and do my part.

Hope your Easter was better than mine.

Jack Crow in Iraq


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
sounds cool i bet the young men and woemen will enjoy is kind of you to do


Mar 9, 2004
Reno, Nevada
God Bless you and the troops Jack. I hope everyone remembers who started the new round and continues to support the troops. I understand about wanting to be part of it. Make sure anyone who gets the OK to carry weapons is checked out and has good comm gear. You need to be proficient and also informed to be effective.

I can't speak for everyone here but is there is something you need and I can be of assistance please ask. I am sure there are some others who feel the same.

BTW did you receive the items from TheLEDLight and and if so what do you think?


Feb 9, 2004
West Palm Beach FLA (for a while anyway)
R, and 14C,

In some ways it's cool and an adventure. Some adventures work out, and some end badly. Right now the fate of this war depends on how quickly this misery can be finished.

I guess you don't remember an old TV show called "Wild Kingdom" with Marlin Perkens. He was an old dude that had a younger side kick that would work with various exotic critters. Lots of tricked up nature photography. Run downs and kills of antalopes and wildabeasts. Usually by things with teeth.

Every so often the side kick would be replaced when the prior one was mauled by a tiger.

Good thing the show was for an Insurance company.

Just remember some adventures turn sour, things go wrong and people are killed. Once killed they stay dead.
That's why the truck driver I talked to is going home.

There is a military term for this, it's called 'pucker factor'. The sudden freezing of your soul when the danger is thick enough to grasp.

So if and when real people are firing real weapons at us I will have my experence with pucker factor. A lot of what you are is how you react to stress.

During 9-11 near the Pentagon, I saw some people do some very brave things. Others fell apart emotionally. Each to their own ability.

Very soon I suspect will me my moment of truth.
Will keep you posted.
If not, have a kind thought for my wife.

Thanks for the kind words.
At the moment there are more important things for the Army than contractor mail right now. So to answer your question, no I have not gotten any orders in almost two weeks. I have batteries and back up lights in quantity. Heck I even have a small LED light attached to my vest. Perhaps I will post a photo of it soon.

For the moment I have no major needs. And with the changes in the Mayors office, the address here is likely to become invalid.

Are you anywhere near Parumph NV? If so send me a private note. Some friends and I have an idea.

Thanks for the kind words
Jack Crow in Iraq


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 6, 2004
la bonne vie en Amérique
Thank you for the update, Jack.

I have collected quite a few Old Time Radio shows in mp3 for my wife. She likes the detective shows. If you are interested, PM me with a mailing address and I'll ship some out to you.

Thanks for what you're doing.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2000
Near Seattle, WA
Stay safe if anything comes your way. I assume that there are bunkers built (don't say one way or the other here) around the base. Those are probably better than a rooftop, especially if there is an unlucky morter round that lands on your building. If there is nothing but tents and trailers there, then anything is better than the open ground. While you're asking for permission to be armed, see if they have any extra body armor lying around, especially if it's the Interceptor, and most especially if ther are any plates. If you can even scrounge up some of the CVC vests, they'd are actually better then the regular (older) frag vests, more kevlar, and you can fit a plate into them. I actually, almost wish that I'd been assigned there for force protection instead of where I am. Of course, then the reasoning part of my brain kicks in and almost balances out the former Infantryman in me, and testosterone, and points out that it's quite a bit safer here, and the living conditions are much, much better. And the terrorist threat is still pretty darn high.

Don't worry about not being on the line. To put it simply, it's not your job to be fighting. That's theirs, they know it, and accept it. They know that you have your job to do, and that it is to support them and make their lives, and jobs, as easy as possible. If any civillian contractors are on their minds, it's probably whether or not that last TCN is on Bin Laden's payroll or not.


Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
Stay safe Jack!

I don't think I'm the type that could do your job, much less the troopers jobs!

BUT> If I WERE in country, I could not STAND to be unarmed! I sincerely hope you get the right!!!
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