Every been to a Drive-In movie?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
California, Los Angeles
Have you ever been to a Drive-In movie?

What you like? And dislike?

I always wanted to try it. I found one around my area that is close to me; well it's NOT that close.
Been like....20years since the last one closed down in our area. Fun as a kid, but the whole point of going to the drive-in had nothing to do with what was playing on the screen.
Before my time. I'd like to experience it once.

I'm guessing it was far more enjoyable in a convertible with a young lady next to you. (Back then, cars had bench seats up front.)
We still have one in the area but it's been a few years since I've been, you know THX theater seating and 3D takes presidence over the drive in now that I been married awhile.

Some cool things about the drive in is it can be cheap compared to regular theaters, if you go to the concessions you can still watch your, it's a pretty cool phenomenon to watch a movie while being outside, and like other mention if your on a date..well :naughty:
Been like....20years since the last one closed down in our area. Fun as a kid, but the whole point of going to the drive-in had nothing to do with what was playing on the screen.

You had one tinny sounding speaker to listen to, windows that would fog up, people walking around talking, etc. You had little privacy, which is why it's surprising that people would go to these things for a date then make out.

You had one tinny sounding speaker to listen to, windows that would fog up, people walking around talking, etc. You had little privacy, which is why it's surprising that people would go to these things for a date then make out.

Foggy windows, backseat, blankets.
I really enjoy going to the drive in theater, it's such a nice experience going with your loved one and I really enjoy watching a movie outside, also I love my car so it's a win win for me, I have heard of the tradition of couples going and making out but personally I just like to enjoy the movie with her, my car is a hatchback so sometimes we put blankets, fold the backseats and park the car backwards with the hatch open, only downside is that my car shuts the stereo off every 30 min if the car is not on.
The drive in was a blast, used to go all the time.
Our family went many times. And I don't think we ever once drove off at the end of the movie and ripped the cord off the post with the speaker still attached to our window like people sometimes did.
Yup, there is one about 12 miles from me, not too far. As I get older, the only issue is the start time for the shows, as they have to wait until it's dark ( summer only), and I can't stay up that late. LOL
They are fun, the sound is on a channel on the radio.
When we first moved to our current house, there was a drive in, maybe 1,000 feet from out house. We could hear the movie on our house stereo. Occassionally we would walk down and could see it from the path along the side.
It's more about the whole experience,than it is about just the movie.
The kids love them, as it is a FIXED Price per car, whether they are in the seats or the trunk, seriously.
Between shows guys with spotlights on their cars (50's style) would play light tag on the screen. In those days it was a cheap speaker. Later drive-ins used a low-power FM radio station for stereo sound.
My wife and I take the kids a lot. It's $15 a car load and they always show two movies. I like throwing the football around Before the show starts. Always a great time.
Loved them as a kid and teenager. Cannot find one anymore. Surround sound did not exist at the move theatre. Sound as come a long way in our theatrs. Even the broadcast throught the car fm was not much better then the tin can you used to hang on your window for the sound.
My Girl friend (later my Wife) used to go to the drive In in Dandenong (Australia) in the mid 70's, it closed down for some years but is back up and running again.

I seem to remember the FM sound being quite good, dependant on the quality of your car stereo.
