please help a newbie with a problem.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 26, 2009
hello all,

i have been reading my way through all these posts for days now..and the more i read the more confused i become... i am looking for a good small powerful spotlight/torch for when i go fishing and walking my dogs at night..sometimes they run away so far i can never see where they are or what they are doing..i have been looking at buying a powerful HID or LED flashlight type..but then i also see all the modded versions of HID spotlight and they really impress me..unfortunately i am useless at anything to do with electronics and i would surely end up making a mess of any job i had to do myself..
my main question is... can i buy a modified set up from someone on this site ? i would like a handheld POB megablaster type super dooper max blah blah blah spotlight...and also a very powerfull flashlight/torch along the line of a Fenix type and size but obviously with more power..
i also have been told to wait for the Fenix TK40 to arrive next month,but just wondered if it was worthy and if there was anything better that was self made etc etc..
lots of questions im im really excited and cant wait to get started in my new
p.s. im in south yorkshire .UK.

kindest regards to all



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2006
*Out There* (Irvine, CA)
if you don't mind the look or waiting the TK40 is a good consumer light that produces a ton of light in a hand held package. I personally think it's really ugly.

You might consider looking into an MC-E or P7 dropin for a mag and have someone do a turnkey project for you.

As for the HID there are currently some very nice affordable HID spotlights. Amondotech was the name but I think they switch the name to Titanium. Check out the HID section, the name is L35 I think.


Dec 18, 2006
Bay Area, CA
How much throw would you like?
What is "fenix size"? Smaller then a 2C mag?

Throw is determined by three things, size of emitting area, reflector size/shape, and output. If you want a small light, then you can't have much throw because of the size limit for the reflector.

There might be a friendly CPFer around your area. If you ask them nicely and they agree maybe you can meet up and see lights.



Newly Enlightened
Feb 26, 2009
if you don't mind the look or waiting the TK40 is a good consumer light that produces a ton of light in a hand held package. I personally think it's really ugly.

You might consider looking into an MC-E or P7 dropin for a mag and have someone do a turnkey project for you.

As for the HID there are currently some very nice affordable HID spotlights. Amondotech was the name but I think they switch the name to Titanium. Check out the HID section, the name is L35 I think.

thanks for the replies so far chaps... ihave been looking at the links etc really good stuff..i want the L35 if i can get it in the UK..and i am very interested to know if i could get a turnkey project done for me by someone else on a mag...
is there anyone nr sheffield ,south yorkshire who could help me out...i dont mind paying for their time and expertise.. i just dont want to buy the wrong thing..

i want a good sized spot and with a good long throw...i dont want flood..

thanks again everyone,



Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
Well , I think you need a 2xCR123A / 18650 sized Flashy .

I recommend multi mode IE = Hi - Lo or Hi - Med - Lo / Strobe - SOS

Seriously , 200Lumen + and the flashy will get warm/hot ! , So it would be nice to turn the hand warmer down for extended use 10min + , to a lower heat setting . lovecpf

Plenty to chose from $10 and up .

KaiDomain has some nice 2D 3D maglite drop in mods , sooo tempting ! But after getting my first 2xCR123A sized Single mode flashy , all further purchases must be multi mode , Hi Lo at the very least .

In fact I ordered 4 multi modes :oops: , should keep me happy for a little while , 2 orders waiting , and 2 in the post !

Ultrafire WF-502B R2-WC 5 Mode + memorry
UltraFire WF-602C Cree Q2-WC 5-Mode 150-Lumen
Cree Q3 6mode [ In the post ]
SAIK SA-8 3 mode [ In the post ]


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2006
*Out There* (Irvine, CA)
The Nano-Megalight looks like a definite winner, IF you are comfortable with lithium polymer/ion cells.

Here's how I look at it for someone just getting into the game.

You probably don't have lithium cells laying around nor do you have a charger. Cheap chargers that work fine and batteries from AW will run quite a bit more than comparable AA NiMH setups.

Currently eneloops can be had at about $2.50 a piece and a great charger can be had for around $50-60.

The TK40 is appealing for most people because NiMH eneloops and others are very available and well priced.

That is why I also recommend a Mag host P7 or MC-E light, battery holders and AA batteries are very available for them.

As for the HID you can't go wrong with the L35 the batteries and charger and light are all in the package so you have no added cost.

So if you don't mind a larger size you can save a few bucks with a AA NiMH setup. If you want a smaller size and the "latest buzz" you can go with something like the Nano-Megalight or a simple 18650 sized LED monster.

If you respond with a post stating what kind of batteries you would be willing to use and if you want to get the biggest bang for the buck, little things like that can help a ton.

I think you have a good start though.

IMHO the nano-megalight is the most appealing P7 light yet, and I dig the clear body, if the head was black.


Mar 15, 2002
The Malkoff single LED drop-in should be the best for your uses.

I totally agree. The module that fits in the 3D Maglite is very bright with a long runtime (6 hours I believe). Then again, the Fenix TK20 on high is quite a thrower and runs well on Eneloops.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 26, 2009
wow... thanks everyone..i can,t believe the help im getting..thanks so much.
i am even more confused than before i started now...but also a little bit more educated,thanks chaps.
I have been looking at HID torches..the only one i found available were on fleebay... would any of these be any use ? has anyone else reviewd or purchased them... the Wicked laser has loads of vids with it burning paper etc etc...not what i want it for ..but is it a good ,well made item.
i have also seen a Wolfeyes boxer for sale (secondhand)..would that be any good for my plans ? ive also tried to find out a bit more on Maglite upgrades..but as i said im pretty useless at doing anything like that myself..I would like to see some beam shots of modified Mags that i could possibly aquire..and also of the other potential led mods that anyone could guide me to purchasing..
I just want it all and i want it now...if you can understand.

heres the ebay links ive seen.

kindest regards



Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2008
The Vector POB spotlight is pretty small and a very powerful thrower for under $50. There are a lot of powerful lights that will really impress the hicks but are heavy enough that you will probably start leaving them behind. A small Fenix TK11R2 for about $85 should be adequate for nearly all of your needs and you can always have it with you.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 24, 2007
United States
hello all,

i have been reading my way through all these posts for days now..and the more i read the more confused i become... i am looking for a good small powerful spotlight/torch for when i go fishing and walking my dogs at night..sometimes they run away so far i can never see where they are or what they are doing..i have been looking at buying a powerful HID or LED flashlight type..but then i also see all the modded versions of HID spotlight and they really impress me..unfortunately i am useless at anything to do with electronics and i would surely end up making a mess of any job i had to do myself..
my main question is... can i buy a modified set up from someone on this site ? i would like a handheld POB megablaster type super dooper max blah blah blah spotlight...and also a very powerfull flashlight/torch along the line of a Fenix type and size but obviously with more power..
i also have been told to wait for the Fenix TK40 to arrive next month,but just wondered if it was worthy and if there was anything better that was self made etc etc..
lots of questions im im really excited and cant wait to get started in my new
p.s. im in south yorkshire .UK.

kindest regards to all


What kind of budget are we looking at here? Whatever your budget is will probably be the biggest limiting factor in any recommendations. This is especially true when venturing into the world of HID.



Jan 7, 2009
The Netherlands, Amstelveen
Did you ever think of the differences between incan and LED-lights? I personally prefer incans still over the LED-lights, because of the ugly coulor of the light. It's just horrible in my point of view, I can't get used to it.

A really bright incan even YOU can build yourself?

1. Take one Wolf-eyes M90 rattlesnake.
2. buy an extender, either the 150 or the 168.
3. buy the Lumens Factory EO-13 lamp assembly (700 Lumen!!)

In case you want a shorter light, take the 150 extender and buy three (or six!) AW 18500 batteries and a charger.
Unscrew the cap, screw on the extender.
Unscrew the head, remore old lamp.
Install new Lumens Factory lamp, reinstall head.
Put in three freshly charged 18500s and.... ENJOY!
For about 40 minutes, then the batteries are totally discharged. Better switch it off after 30 minutes, this will prolong battery life.

In case you accept a longer flashlight, take the longer 168 extender. Instead of the 18500 batteries, you now have to buy 3 or 6 AW 18650 batteries. These ones will exactly give you one hour of runtime, it's better however to switch it off after 45 minutes or so.

I'm sure: Yes, you can!! Even YOU can do this little mod. And it will reward you with a very bright flashlight indeed, with lots of throw and the RIGHT color of light :p



Newly Enlightened
Feb 27, 2009
How much battery life are you expecting, depending on when and where you're going to shine I think that's an imporatant factor.

Also for fishing do you plan on shining into the water? I know that fish are sensitive to artificial light while other are attracted to it.

2 cents


Mar 26, 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
Did you ever think of the differences between incan and LED-lights? I personally prefer incans still over the LED-lights, because of the ugly coulor of the light. It's just horrible in my point of view, I can't get used to it.

I am just the opposite, I hate the red color of incan lights and prefer the cool white color of leds.
I have some Q5 5A, but in my view they are too red in color, I prefer something cooler.


Dec 18, 2006
Bay Area, CA
The Wicked Laser is no HID torch. It doesn't have much throw or runtime when compared to a HID light. It is bright, but not bright for long, and the idea that Wicked Laser took came from Mac's "The Torch" which was here first.

A drop-in is essentually that, it drops right into the light with little to no modifications(I don't conside drop-ins mods because of their ease of use). Malkoff has videos on how to install the drop-in and if you don't want to remove the cam of the reflector yourself, you can buy a pre cut one.

Almost all HIDs have a start up time with little to no output. Most of them also require you to let the bulb cool down before turning the light back on again to protect the bulb.