What did you use your flashlight for today?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 19, 2016
Used my light in the parking lot last night, checking out all the nooks and crannies in the far off buildings, as I usually do, just to see how far I could PID someone in the distance. Always makes me want more out of a pocket light.


Jun 6, 2011
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Yesterday I was in a pet store which suddenly lost all power. As it was a big store, the back of the store was in almost complete darkness.
I grabbed my Astrolux S41 out of my backpack and went to the back of the store to light the way for the other customers to get to the front of the store. A ceiling bounce on high (approx. 500 lumen) did the trick nicely. :)

At that time the store owner came to me to ask if he could borrow my light to see what caused the blackout. I handed him a Jaxman E2, and we both went to the back of the store to check out the meter cupboard. it turned out that the residual-current circuit breaker switched off somehow, switching it back on restored the power immediately.

With the power restored, the owner and I chatted a bit about flashlights, and which one he should buy for keeping in the store in case of another power outage.

A not too smart coworker of that store was flabbergasted at seeing that I carried multiple flashlights and said loudly: "You gotta be a total idiot to carry multiple flashlights in broad daylight!"
The store owner turned around in surprise and dressed that guy down right in front of us, and pointed out that my lights just allowed them to restore the power that quickly, and as they had several freezers with various frozen pet foods, I saved them a lot of money at the same time.
The owner was 'not amused' with that guy's remark, to say the least. :D


Aug 20, 2015
The Free State of Kansas, USA
Yesterday I was in a pet store which suddenly lost all power. As it was a big store, the back of the store was in almost complete darkness.
I grabbed my Astrolux S41 out of my backpack and went to the back of the store to light the way for the other customers to get to the front of the store. A ceiling bounce on high (approx. 500 lumen) did the trick nicely. :)

At that time the store owner came to me to ask if he could borrow my light to see what caused the blackout. I handed him a Jaxman E2, and we both went to the back of the store to check out the meter cupboard. it turned out that the residual-current circuit breaker switched off somehow, switching it back on restored the power immediately.

With the power restored, the owner and I chatted a bit about flashlights, and which one he should buy for keeping in the store in case of another power outage.

A not too smart coworker of that store was flabbergasted at seeing that I carried multiple flashlights and said loudly: "You gotta be a total idiot to carry multiple flashlights in broad daylight!"
The store owner turned around in surprise and dressed that guy down right in front of us, and pointed out that my lights just allowed them to restore the power that quickly, and as they had several freezers with various frozen pet foods, I saved them a lot of money at the same time.
The owner was 'not amused' with that guy's remark, to say the least. :D

Suddenly the song "Holding out for a hero" by Bonnie Tyler started playing in my head. :D



Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Suddenly the song "Holding out for a hero" by Bonnie Tyler started playing in my head. :D


Great story, and that snarky employee learned a lesson as well.

Today I was working with a contractor to trace out some cables. He opened up an access panel and peered into the darkness. No sooner did he say "does anyone have a flashl..." when I handed him my P35, set for medium.


Jun 11, 2014
Today, as has happened many times in the past, I was in a customers poorly lite basement. They asked " do you need more light" I responded, no thank you I.m good CLICK:candle:. Sometimes I get " that's a bright light" or " that's handy clipped to you hat like that". But I've never been asked about the light itself:thinking:.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 27, 2017
Dirty Dirty South
Today, as has happened many times in the past, I was in a customers poorly lite basement. They asked " do you need more light" I responded, no thank you I.m good CLICK:candle:. Sometimes I get " that's a bright light" or " that's handy clipped to you hat like that". But I've never been asked about the light itself:thinking:.

Well, tell us about the light itself. :popcorn:


Jun 6, 2011
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Suddenly the song "Holding out for a hero" by Bonnie Tyler started playing in my head. :D

There is no heroism involved in being prepared for darkness, at least in my opinion... ;)

Just a few situations where my lights came in handy:

The other day I had to go to the bathroom at work, and the maintenance guy told me the power there would be back in about 30 minutes. I didn't have to wait. :D My Fenix E05 provided all the light I needed in there.

After going down a friend's basement to get a spare PC part: "The bulb blew down there, you'll need to get a new one." Friend: "But you did get the part? How? It's pitch black down there without light." I just showed him my E05. :)

Coming home after work, and hearing a neighbor swear the devil back into hell because he lost his keys in a dark alley and was trying to find them by shuffling his feet left and right in the darkness. A quick flash of my Jaxman E2 showed him the keys in an instant.

One of my coworkers dropped a small, but important screw on the floor and couldn't find it anymore. My Jaxman E2 on high came to the rescue, shining across the floor, and that tiny screw just popped out like a small beacon.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Last night the Mrs and I went to Wal Mart to get some grommets for a project she is working on and while there she looked for a blue tooth speaker to use for a musical number she is doing at her job. She's a dog trainer and she with her dog trick team put on short plays with dogs playing the rolls. (I don't know what skit they are working on right now, I just show up at final practices and show time with her movie camera).. but she wanted a "louder" speaker instead of carrying around a boombox....

Anyway, while lurking the speaker row I spied upon a laser pointers/stylus/inkpen/flashlight for a buck 98. Yeah-uh!

I helped her pick out a speaker about the size of an esspreso cup and we were on our way... my mind racing to using that little flashlight in my office, lights out, ladies screaming "help help weird flashlight guy" and me supplying enough lumens to safely skee-daddle out the building...
Steps.... it's all about making it to and down those steps.

So we stop at a buffet joint and partake in consuming way too much protein and carbs, but it was some mighty fine barbecue on my side of the table and she had slices of prime rib. Meanwhile this old UFO song from like 1977 is playing in my head (over the restaurant muzac)...
"Lights out in London". Mrs Fixer asks "whatcha thinkin'?" to which I respond "there's this 40 year old song playing in my brain and I think it's because of that flashlight pen I bought"... "oh" she responds having no idea that I was still imagining my office building on fire and that buck 98 pen saving my life...

So we get home and of course I'm walking around in darkness with my little LED flashlight pen. Then I got to wondering if worse came to worse could a laser pointer light your way.... well results were inconclusive. Too many free lumens where I live, but I did figure out if the steps you are walking down are shiney at all, then yeah a laser pointer will light the one in front of you. Or perhaps cast enough light onto a shiney wall ahead of you to show there is a wall nearby.
So then Mrs Fixer tells me that dogs dig laser pointer dots and sets about teasing one of the dogs who is now acting like a kitten chasing yarn. She notices the flashlight on the pen and says "hmm, this would be handy if the lights went out at work"... she walked around pretending to find her way out of a darkened building and frankly I do not know what happened to my little buck 98 flashlight/stylus/laser pointer pen. I suppose somehow it ended up in her purse. lol. Funny how that works.

Oh no... Lights out in London is playing in my head again...


Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2017
When I woke up this morning the sun was already up, so the room was well lit, but there was a tiny dark spot on the ceiling that hadn't been there last night, so I put on my glasses and grabbed my olight m20x and on medium was able to determine that it was a small, beetle like bug. I was about to turn off the light when I noticed that it started to move a little. I turned off the light and it settled down again. I hit it again, but this time on high and it started moving straight away, hmmmm. I grabbed my emisar D4 and double clicked it straight to turbo. Poor bug started spinning in circles straight away. Guess I found a new way to measure light output! :drool:

peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
Not as funny as the above, but it does have a moral.
The bath and handbasin in our upstairs bathroom have been backing up recently drepite copius amounts of hydrochloric acid so I attacked the 6 inch standpipe that drains the toilet and bath. I took off the pipe directly above where the poop hits the pipe and peered in with my new (to me) HDS. there was a mat of stuff covering one of the outlets. With a bit more disassebly I managed to pull out a mat of dental floss and poop about 3 feet long and 4 inches in diameter. It must have been accumulating for about ten years.
I did give the HDS a good scrub under the now free running tap after I'd showered in antibacterial soap in the now free flowing shower.
The moral is "Don't put dental floss down the toilet"


Sep 9, 2015
Not as funny as the above, but it does have a moral.
The bath and handbasin in our upstairs bathroom have been backing up recently drepite copius amounts of hydrochloric acid so I attacked the 6 inch standpipe that drains the toilet and bath. I took off the pipe directly above where the poop hits the pipe and peered in with my new (to me) HDS. there was a mat of stuff covering one of the outlets. With a bit more disassebly I managed to pull out a mat of dental floss and poop about 3 feet long and 4 inches in diameter. It must have been accumulating for about ten years.
I did give the HDS a good scrub under the now free running tap after I'd showered in antibacterial soap in the now free flowing shower.
The moral is "Don't put dental floss down the toilet"
I use to flush it as well until I had to snake the toilet and pulled out a massive entanglement of it ... Nasty.