I recently read through the "best UV flashlight" thread by 7histology, and that made me curious about UV lights, since I don't own one myself yet. I am not well versed in UV torches and emitters, and sadly the thread didn't really come to a concise conclusion either about what really is the best UV light out there. So I'm gonna attempt to narrow down the scope of this admittedly very broad question a bit.
I'm looking for a quality, 365nm, preferably single mode, pocketable, >3000mW, UV flashlight with regulated output that runs on a single 18650.
- Glass lens, no acrylic.
- Rear forward clicky.
- Little visible light spill OR compatible with a visible light filter (that can be installed without modification).
The most interesting I've come across so far is the Fenix tk25uv, which seems to have a simple enough interface (and is in fact a one-mode light when switched to UV) and meets my requirements in terms of output. Only thing about it is the white-light capability that would be quite useless to me. Ideally, I'm looking for a Pure UV torch. I am also unsure as to the quality of the UV emitters used. What quality UV light can one expect, how much VL spill?
The Malkoff MD2 UV appears interesting, but seems a tad under-powered with only 1800mW? Also, so far as I know, MD2s use acrylic lenses. It is also unregulated below 3,8V, so that's no good either.
Is there anything better out there? Can anyone vouch for the Fenix?
I am of cause aware that one could mod an existing flashlight with a UV Emitter, but I'm looking for something ready OOTB.
Thanks a lot in advance.
I'm looking for a quality, 365nm, preferably single mode, pocketable, >3000mW, UV flashlight with regulated output that runs on a single 18650.
- Glass lens, no acrylic.
- Rear forward clicky.
- Little visible light spill OR compatible with a visible light filter (that can be installed without modification).
The most interesting I've come across so far is the Fenix tk25uv, which seems to have a simple enough interface (and is in fact a one-mode light when switched to UV) and meets my requirements in terms of output. Only thing about it is the white-light capability that would be quite useless to me. Ideally, I'm looking for a Pure UV torch. I am also unsure as to the quality of the UV emitters used. What quality UV light can one expect, how much VL spill?
The Malkoff MD2 UV appears interesting, but seems a tad under-powered with only 1800mW? Also, so far as I know, MD2s use acrylic lenses. It is also unregulated below 3,8V, so that's no good either.
Is there anything better out there? Can anyone vouch for the Fenix?
I am of cause aware that one could mod an existing flashlight with a UV Emitter, but I'm looking for something ready OOTB.
Thanks a lot in advance.