
What I like so much about it is that even on low this dam things throws a ton. It is very useful and with such a low draw will run for quite awhile. The spill of course is not great but it does reach out there.
Friend has 2 danes as well. escape artists when they want to be and have dug holes under the fence every time.
Both gentle giants but they have been spoiled from pups.
Low is enough for most uses. High is just plain fun! More spill would be nice, but I have other lights for that. This fills a role very nicely. To me it is a true thrower. I like to have the ability to put light where I want it without lighting up half the neighborhood.
The new hound dog is 6 volts max. It was designed for a single 18650. The head will physically fit any MD2,MD3, or MD4 but you can't go above 6 volts. So it should only be used on a MD2 to make sure you don't blow the head.
Thanks a Lot TG!. now I dont know if I should just get an md2 with that XT head now, or wait to see if gene will end up making an M61 with the same LED - Group Buy.


The new hound dog is 6 volts max. It was designed for a single 18650. The head will physically fit any MD2,MD3, or MD4 but you can't go above 6 volts. So it should only be used on a MD2 to make sure you don't blow the head.
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The surprisingly high temperatures for today prompted me to change into cargo shorts at noon. What was clipped into the left pocket......yep, the 18650 XT on an MD2 with TriCap and Dark Sucks clip. Just like the HD 18650, it's been completely comfortable, and I basically forgot I wasn't carrying an MD2.
" The High/Low is controlled by head rotation. "

so does this need a high low brass ring on an MD2 still then?.
Yes, with the hound dogs, they use a larger ring that has the driver mounted to the back side, then wired to the emitter.
Whatever you do don't unscrew it. I have posted pics of the older versions in the past. There is a risk of breaking the wires and let me tell you it's not easy to fix if it happens.
could this be edc able

Sure, if your pants are baggy enough. I carried mine in my left pocket a few days ago when it was warm enough for shorts.

There's no way I could comfortably pocket carry it when wearing any of my traditional blue jeans.
Depends on how big you and your pockets are!😁. It fits in a coat pocket very well and it will go in the back pockets head up pretty good but honestly, she got a big head on her shoulders.You probably could but it wouldn't be very comfortable. At least not for me.
Spotted a lone Koala with it last night way up a eucalypt next to the local public pool.
the flat white in this is 5700k?
is there different K in the E2XT ? ( 5400 ) ?
I know Vinh also has a flat white I think at that is at 6500k
