1st Ti light off the new lathe


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 2, 2006
Here's the first complete titanium light hot off the new lathe. It's an E-series/Aleph based light. It has taken many an hour to get to this point. Not having a head to work off of made it challenging for sure. Also making the light completely seemless also took some patience. If any of you have done this then you know what I mean. The light may change somewhat from it's current form but won't know until I hear from its owner.

Anyway the specs are:

2x123A Body
27mm head with smooth bezel ring designed around the 27XR reflector and a P7 LE.
Tail cap with McClickie switch

Now for some pics of what it looks like now.... Remember that's a 27mm head so the body is an inch in diameter. It really feels substantial as a result.

And here's some pics to show that it is indeed several pieces. :grin2:

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It will be staying just that way. I love it and Can't wait to get it.
PORNO!!! The head looks plain though, could use a couple of very mild grooves, maybe 2 near the bezel half the size of the ones in the body?? Its still porno though...Great Job!!
It will be staying just that way. I love it and Can't wait to get it.

Glad you like it :wave:.

Cuso said:
PORNO!!! The head looks plain though, could use a couple of very mild grooves, maybe 2 near the bezel half the size of the ones in the body?? Its still porno though...Great Job!!

I thought about it but for 2 reasons didn't. #1 Near the bezel is very thin walled so that wouldn't fly. #2 I think that sometimes less is more if you know what I mean. IOW I think if I tried to change it then it would look too busy and over done.
Nice! Makes me wish I had a lathe of my own. I'd be keen for some splash anodizing, but none the less, it looks amazingly sleek.

Keep up the good work.
Now THAT is a sweet looking light, and that's your FIRST one? Man, I can't wait to see what comes out when you get going full tilt! Great job.
Now THAT is a sweet looking light, and that's your FIRST one? Man, I can't wait to see what comes out when you get going full tilt! Great job.

Thanks. It's the 1st titanium light I've made on the "new lathe". I recently replaced an old South Bend lathe with THIS.
Very nice M&M special you've made there. It looks like a new design that I have not seen before. The magic that you guys create around here is amazing!:twothumbs
Thanks, I spoke with Brain on the phone and stated that I liked the bigger groves, then he did the rest. It will be in my hands shortly.
Very nice,
When you say "27mm head" do you mean reflector size or final outside diameter of the head?
Do you have a beam shot?
Very nice,
When you say "27mm head" do you mean reflector size or final outside diameter of the head?
Do you have a beam shot?

The head was made around the McR27xr reflector. So it is only a slightly larger diameter than the relfector.

Sorry no beam shots. I no longer have the host. I've never really been able to get my camera to take them right anyway.