$200 Surefire M3???


Newly Enlightened
Jan 3, 2009
Currently Somewhere in Iraq
Here is my dilemma. The PX here has a Surefire M3 for $200. First, is this a good deal and second I was wanting the crenelated bezel version, this is just a normal scalloped version. Is there any one out there willing to trade me heads if I buy it?

They also have the M3T for $245 and it too is a regular head.

Thanks in advance
Brand New! that's a heck of a deal! i know when I was in the sand box, SF's were (relativley) dirt cheap. i paid $128 for my L4, $112 for my L1. You will never find it cheaper than at the PX/BX, as they are the only one's that can "legally" sale it below MSRP. Post a Want To Trade (WTT) in the Market Place for the Strike Bezel, but you might have to fork over a few bucks, as the strike bezels are a few dollars more than the regular one's. oh, and :welcome:

EDIT: And if you don't like it, you'll have no prob. selling it in the MP.
It is a good price but I have seen like new M3's sell in the CPF Marketplace for $165-$175. Considering that you don't have to wait for it to be shipped and it's brand new in the package, that's a hard deal to beat.

You can place a "Want to Trade" add in the Marketplace with regards to the bezel.
MightyQuinn, A 9P or any other 3 battery/9 volt SureFire will put out, to your human eyeball, the same amount of incandescent light as an M3. A G3 will be a lot cheaper and wear as well as the HA 3. The M3s do look cool. If you want HA 3 and the combat rings get a C3. The only reason I see to get an M3 is so that you can, at some time, put SureFires yet to be released 350 lumen millinium (sp?) head on one. Who knows when they will be released and they won't be cheap.

Thanks for your service to our country. Thanks for keeping me and my family safe and free. There are people here in America who appreciate what you and your brothers over there are doing. May God bless you and keep you safe and bring you home.

To show you that I really do care, If you go ahead and buy the M3 without the crenalated head, I will buy one here and ship it to you, no charge to you for anything. Let me know. Check your Pmail.
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There's a crenelated version? I thought it was only plain and scalloped

Older M3's had a smooth bezel. The current versions come in two varieties: a lightly scalloped bezel, and a heavily scalloped, crenelated bezel.

Another advantage of an M3 over a G3 or C3 is the shock isolation, which would protect the bulb a little better.
I don't think that the "only reason" to get the M3 is to be upgradeable to the future LU10LT or M3T LEDs. There are several differences between it and a G3 or 9P. HA finish, double o-rings at tail and it can accept a standard turbo head without any adapters. The shock isolation feature of the M3 is perhaps the single most significant feature that sets it apart from non-millennium light, important for someone who needs a light to withstand sine rough use.

Very cool of ugrey to offer trading heads with the OP. :twothumbs
How about a black C3 w/ a black M2/LU60 (shock-isolated) head? That way you have a wider variety of options? Of course, most PX's, the selection is VERY Limited.
what is the link to PX's lights that have the Surefire M3T so cheap?

Quinn's profile shows "Location: Currently Somewhere in Iraq." It might be a long commute to buy a Surefire. :D Last I checked the AAFES website wasn't showing SF lights for internet sales...even to those with access.
Baterija has it right. there is no link they have them in the actual store at the base I am currently at. I also picked up a E2L for $102 the newer one. BTW I like the M series lights and I am trying to get one of each all with the CB except the M2 of course.

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