2008 INOVA T1 arrived today!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2007
Identical in appearance to the 2007 T1 same quality fit and finish that I have come to expect from INOVA.Maybe slightly brighter than my 07 T1 to my eyes anyway.Not a knock on the brightness of the 08 model my 07 T1 was bright to begin with, probably a lottery winner.
The big difference aside from the presumed better runtime is the tint.This is by far the warmest tint I have seen from INOVA.The only led light I have with a warmer tint is a Tiablo A1 with a Rebel 100.Whitewall hunters may not like the tint although the beam is very nice otherwise.I will be interested to see this light outdoors when the the weather breaks and the snow is gone.I think this light will offer better contrast than most of my other leds.I'm curious if all the new T-series will be this warm.The 08 T1 also seems to have a slightly larger hotspot than the 07 model but the beams are similar other than the tint.
These are all preliminary observations and I'll leave the review to someone that can post beamshots.For right now it i have a new light to carry in my coat pocket :thumbsup:
It's good to know that I'm not the only person who likes the "fit and finish" of the T series Inovas. Great mechanical design, style and construction but the "innards" are so disapointing by "cree standards". Hpoefully we'll see that change.
I agree,,I just got home for lunch and found my T1 in the mailbox, I have not had much time to play and compare yet as i have to back to work in a 1/2 hour. I did notice that the color was rather warm when shown on a white wall,
Waiting for mine. To me, warmer beam, brighter with longer runtime are all big pluses vs 2007 version. Beamshots vs 2007 would be great if you have both. I, for one, love the Inova build quality and feel. It's always a "go to" light to me that I wouln't hesitate to trust. Any idea of current draw? That would give a good estimate of runtime in regulation before someone does a graph.
2008 Inova T1 owners -- how much current does your new flashlight draw from the batteries?

By comparison, my 2007 T1 (K2) draws 675 mA.

I am trying to determine how long a set of batteries will last in the 2008 T1 without relying on Inova's published specs.

2008 Inova T1 owners -- how much current does your new flashlight draw from the batteries?

By comparison, my 2007 T1 (K2) draws 675 mA.

I am trying to determine how long a set of batteries will last in the 2008 T1 without relying on Inova's published specs.


I would think that the current draaw and runtime would be the same, seeing as the only difference in the new models is an updated K2.
I wish I could show you draw measurements but I do not have the tools to do so. I can, however, comment on how incredibely warm the tint of the beam is. It is by far the warmest LED I've ever encountered. It is literally somewhere near the color temp of some incans. Nice little light! I'm happy with it, and I think I may just keep it.
I also agree its very close to an incan in warmth, how ever i am still "learning" wether i like it or not. It does not have a very tight hot spot, however i am comparing it to a L2D rb100, The HA III is very nice as well as the lithiums that came it in. I just think i could have spent $20 more and got a 200 +lm fenix T1, Over all i'd say i am satisfied.. thanks BOG for speedy shipping.!!!:)
Please show me the actual current draw measurements. Assume nothing.

I used logic to make an educated guess about what reasonably could be expected to be occuring inside the light without significant investment of time or money or significant latency in answer time. Next time I won't attempt to bring any insight to the discussion, per your suggestion.
I used logic to make an educated guess about what reasonably could be expected to be occuring inside the light without significant investment of time or money or significant latency in answer time. Next time I won't attempt to bring any insight to the discussion, per your suggestion.

Sorry LukeA. No offense intended, but I am seeking a measurement.

I believed Inova's runtime spec for its last generation of light and bought some of their K2 lights. I was disappointed to find the runtime much shorter than advertised.

Here are the results of measuring current drain from some of my Inova lights:

675 mA - 2007 T1 (K2 version with reflector)
630 mA - 2006 T1 (TIROS)

686 mA - 2007 T2 (K2 version with reflector)
229 mA - 2006 T2 (TIROS)

350 mA - 2006/7 XO2 (2 watt TIROS)
510 mA - 2006 T3 (TIROS)
280 mA - 2007 X5

212 mA - X1 (2nd generation)
670 mA - X1 (3rd generation)
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According to the back of my box it begins to drop below 100% somewhere around the 4.2 hour mark. That's pretty good for 100 OUT THE FRONT lumens. These K2 aren't half bad...it's a shame they're not as popular as other emitters. I wouldn't mind seeing them in more of my lights as they seem to be first rate in craftmanship.
Sorry, but I don't have the tools or know-how to test current draw.The only thing I noticed was that the 07 T1 seemed to warm up sooner than the new model.I would also like to know the current draw or see some run time tests from someone with the necessary equipment.