does anyone know for sure if a 3d is brighter or the same as a 2d.
this is very important as i would rather have the 2d but do not want to sacrifice brightness so i could live with a 3d
I've had my Malkoff since May, and I've tried it in 2D, 3D, and 4D Mags.
As voltage increases, so does brightness.
The 3D is noticeably brighter than the 2D set-up, and the 4D is brighter still.
I compared all 3 set-ups in a ceiling bounce test against an L2D CE on turbo.
Obviously, more cells equalled more brightness.
I tried the 3C in a 2D momentarily, reversing tailspring etc., but I didn't want to alter anything, so I ended up getting rid of the 2D and sticking with the 4D.
It seemed one almost needs a hydraulic press to screw the endcap back on. :laughing:
Also, make sure to get both reflectors to see first hand what you like, as both have their own advantages.
Plus, I can also see a difference using the mineral glass lens I picked up for it. That stock plastic Mag window really blocks the photons.