3rd annual,What flaslight did you find most useful for halloween?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 8, 2006
For me it was 2, Electrolumens EDC for massive light decent throw and huge flood to keep an eye on 3 trick or treaters and 2nd was Saberwolfs edc (cr123) MCE on med was great for walking all 4 of us could easily see wher we were walking in the dark,no street lights in our rural neighborhood. I do have a diffuser for it,great flood on max it will light up a 1/2 acre with a warm flood light.
Back up was nightcore D 10.

What did you use???
I carried a Novatac 120E with K2 emitter. LF2 backup.
Wife carried TK20 with diffuser, LED bunny ears.
Kids all had Nite Ize SpotLit flashing LED clip-ons. Those worked like a charm. Actually, much better than a charm, very visible, easy to clip anywhere (I put them on their backs), no battery issues, they stole the show.
Used my EDC - an UltraFire WF-602C. It's the perfect small sized light with good throw and flood characteristics. I had it on medium for most of the night.

I gave my daughter my Fenix LD01 to use. Unfortuneately the battery was just about dead so it didn't last that long and somewhere along our travels, she dropped it :(

I went back later with the Ultrafire on high re-tracing our steps but couldn't find it. I hope someone else does and can make use of it. It'd be a shame for that little $42 screamer to be wasted...
Maratac AAA on low for moving around my house without lights on, pretending I wasn't home and thus avoiding the trick or treaters. :whistle:
My wife used my Malkoff MD2 and I used my C2-HA with M60. Our neighbor's 3C looked just a little weak in comparison. :naughty:
Novatac 120t with K2 tvod upgrade and Eagletac T20c2. Two monster throwers helped kids avoid bushes, mailboxes, and other domestic hazards. Everything from superman to beautiful princesses stayed safe thanks to these lights.

My L0D rebel was bright enough for any duty :)
Strobe made interesting effects in houses with smoke machines goin.
I used a E2D w/KX2C this year. It was perfect. Bright but not totally annoying. All in a small package.
Zero doubt for me, it was the Quark Ti 1xAA XPG R5 light on 14500. Just so much light, strong flood, strong large spot. For me right now, this light is #1.
Malkoff MD4 Wildcat. Perfect blend of throw and spill for walking down the street the on-again-off again streetlights in our neighborhood with my dog, daughter, and wife. Lunasol 20 was perfect for checking out my daughter's loot, and any close-up needs.
Back at the house, 35W HID and aspheric SST-50 mag worked wonders for keeping folks I didn't want in the woods across the street aware that someone was around, and could negate the darkness they were using to hide. (I admit it....whatever the teenagers were doing in the woods doesn't really bother me too much...but I love playing with those lights.)
My Quark Ti, with the XP-G. Beautiful flood of light, especially after applying matte scotch tape to the lens.

At least until the battery died, which was surprising, I had barely used it. After that, I just used my LD20.

Oh, BTW, I went to a friends house, and we had three trick-or-treaters the entire night. Weird.