3x18650 in a C-Mag?


Jul 25, 2006
Which C-size Mag would hold three 18650s? What would need to be done in terms of spacers both in the ends and around the batteries to prevent rattling?
Three 18650s fit very well in a Mag4C. The length is nearly perfect, the stock spring works fine. But a spacer is needed for the smaller diameter. I used some of the gray 3/4" PVC electrical conduit. It's a little too large to fit without modification. I just cut a slit in the PVC lengthwise and then pinched a piece of sandpaper in the slit and ran it up and down to take off small amounts of material. After just a couple minutes of sanding, test fitting, then sanding a little more I had a perfect fit. By removing small amounts of material with the sandpaper, I was able to get a snug fit where the spacer won't fall out when changing batteries and no gaps where the edges of the slit come together. I also drilled a hole clear through one end so I would have a way to pull it out if I needed to.