4 D cell drop in


Feb 16, 2009
Hey, I'm sure you have hears this like a million times before, I want to get a malkoff P7 droppin for my 4 d mag, . what battery configuration would be the best??? 12 AA's or would rechargeables be better? IF so what kind, do I need a sleeve? And yes I have used the search function and I just got a headache from trying to find the right threads. When you dont understand the terms and names of things it makes it tuff to understand. thank you
Use rechargables. They are just plain better suited for something like this. I have a 4D maglite that I modified with a P7. I've been using 5 NiMH AA's in it, but plan on using C cells down the road for their added capacity. They're of the low self discharge variety and the C cells I plan getting will be also. You don't have to go this route. You could use lithium or NiCad, but then I'm getting away from the little bit I know. There are others that can tell you alot more than I can.