47 can convert your Quark into a headlamp!

I am envisioning unscrewing the Quark head and screwing it into a headlamp base attached to a headband that holds a battery/batteries and switch? :thinking:
yeah. It's almost a good idea, but form factor is wrong. Too long.

Surefire gave it a good try but still manage to make it too big. Sad.
IMHO the emiter (and maybe a bit of heatsink) needs to be at the back of the unit, infront of emiter is reflector / optic / lens. The driver can go beside or connected to the battery. But stacking the driver then emiter (ala quark top on a band) needlessly doubles the lenght.
... form factor is wrong. Too long.
IMHO the emiter... needs to be at the back of the unit, infront of emiter is reflector / optic / lens... But stacking the driver then emiter... needlessly doubles the lenght.

The board doesn't double the length. The reflector assembly is what makes the head "long."
Admittedly, when I first read this, I also first thought of something where the Quark head would screw onto a headband mount, but are we sure this is the case? Might it just be that this is some simple headband that holds the light, like the Fenix headband does, or even the cheaper Nite-Ize version for Mag 2xAA's?

Of course, the possibility of the Quark heads mounting onto some kind of adjustable base at the front of the headband sounds very, very interesting to me. And unlike linger's comment above, I would actually welcome a little extra length forward. For one, I don't think we should be expecting to get the ideal headlamp out of a band/adapter for handheld lights (leave that for the things "on the drawing board" that 4-7's alluded to). And second, as someone who wears glasses, I would welcome a product that puts the emitter a little further forward, and thus further out of the range of interfering with glasses.