470 nm what is good for?

Hunters use that color, (470 nm), for tracking blood trails. Red becomes black at that color and everything else shows as a blue tint.

With a red light, anything blue shows up as black.

UV-A starts at 405 nm and lower.

i did, but i was hoping some here might have better knowledge.

Hi waddup

470 nm is considered to be in the blue range. It can be used in hunting to track animal blood like Curt R indicated. The blood would absorb the blue light and the blood droplet would appear darker.

470 nm is often used in Forensics in conjunction with goggles (typically orange). 470 nm can help detect bloodspatter, hairs, fibers, trace evidence, gun shot residue, semen, saliva and urine. In order to visualize any evidence, the correct goggles must be worn and little ambient light must be present.

There are some other applications including Scuba where 470 nm can be used with some benefit. I'm sure there are some other interesting applications for 470 nm light.