64663 36V 400 Watt Ele II - Overdriven by 10 cells


Jan 19, 2008
Words fail me on this. :naughty: Beamshots to follow tonight. Here is a few teasers:
The light:

The bulb:

Some minor reflector modifications:

Just about cooled down:

Seen through a welding lens:

Control Beamshot:

TK10 Beamshot (Same camera settings):

64663 Beamshot (Same camera settings):
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so does this surpass luxyboy's insane #1 mag? :eek:

whats the longest you run it for? what battery setup? what voltage?

i cant wait for beamshots, if you can compare to a generic light that would be great.

Beamshots have been added to the first post. I need to play with my camera a bit. Those don't look so great to me. (Blurry) Maybe I will try again later. :confused:

I've run it for up to 5 minutes. At that point the head is almost too hot to touch. The body stays relatively cool.
I have 10 Emoli 16850s in the battery holder and 2 spacers. I can light this thing up right off the charger with no :poof:. I may eventually try a 11th cell but benchtesting shows that these bulbs go pop at or around 43V. I have only tested one though.

I'm using a IRF1404 mosfet for the switch. (It came as part of the Ryobi pack that I harvested the cells from). I don't experience any problems in benchtesting the switch at up to 50 volts and 15 amps so I don't expect to have any problems with the light.

The battery sees about 41 Volts initially and that tapers of fairly quickly. According to my measurements I'm pulling about 13.3 amps off the pack. The cells don't seem to get warm at all.

I desperately need to get myself a FM3V2 head (or maybe V3 :whistle:). The beam is quite floody due to the size of the filament. It still out throws everything else I have but not quite in the light saber way.

It does produce that cool pillar of blue light that I haven't seen out of any of my lights yet. You can just barely see a hint of it in the beamshot.

A big thanks goes out to all the folks here. This forum has been a wealth of information. :thumbsup:
Oh boy!!!!! thats amazing!!!!!!!! :UBER DROOL: x10

I have to get someone here to make me one, anyone??? PLZZZZZZZ:popcorn:

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You will not hear me say this every day but, Very nice. I think CPFers get a bit desensitized to lights sometimes. Its nice to know there is still some "WOW" left in the world for even the most calliced individuals. Good beamshots too. I love the host. I always prefer a stick like m*g shape type host over a square lantern type host. Only thing I would say could be better is a bit more heat sink so you get more than five min at a time. Still very impressive. I would like to hear how many 5 min sessions you get from the batteries (total runtime estimate)
yeah, we lose perspective of things really quick....especially with big guns that throws out everything from 1k to 100k bulb lumens....:crackup:

its always good to take a night walk with a stock 3D mag to really appreciate what we have. [and bring a spare with that!]
Crap, another build.....

Since I just did my first FET switch, could you give us a couple of minutes of your time and explain how you did yours? Interested if you just did simple switch replacement with the FET or do you have any special controls with it? Regulated?

Nice light and I really have to get one of those FM big reflector/heads...

Bob E.
:twothumbs :duh2: :naughty:

Very Nice.

Whats with the fillament on this lamp. Does it have to be connected the right way round?

Looks one side of the wire that leads to the fillament is coiled tightly.

How wide is the lamp? What size did you bore the reflector hole out to?

Never seen a good shot of a 2.5" FM reflector / head like that before.

Looks to be an efficient way to conduct alot of the heat to the head of the light having the reflector and bezzle all in one.

That might be whats saving the reflective coating from bubbling up.

A suggestion ( dont know if it works ) but this is what I do. I think slowly rotating the light in the hand while you have it on ( still pointing the light in the same direction) might save on any hot spots getting uneven heat on the reflector/ vs leaving in one ( switch pointing to the sky ) position all the time.

Again.....Very nice !!!!!!
The FET switch I built is almost the exact same as this one. The only difference is the MOSFET itself.

I did a bit of experimenting and can't seem to find any difference in polarity on the light. It pulls the same current and runs the same no matter which leg is positive.

The bulb diameter at it's widest point is .597" I widened the opening on the reflector to .625" with a double fluted titanium step bit.

The bulb has to be very low in the reflector for good focus. I have actually added a rubber gasket to the connection between the two head pieces. This doesn't seem to affect thermal transfer between the 2 pieces at all.

This makes the optimum focus point when the head is screwed down enough to just barely touch the o-ring on the body.
I got a good "pillar" shot finally. It's not nearly as impressive as it is in real life but still nice.
Nice beam shot.

Sounds like someone could use a custom lower Kiu socket?

How tall is that bulb also.....say compared to a 623 if you have used one?

Bob E.
I did a bit of experimenting and can't seem to find any difference in polarity on the light. It pulls the same current and runs the same no matter which leg is positive.

There can't be any difference for a bulb - from a circuit point of view it is basically a "resistor", so it will be the same either way you connect it ;)
There can't be any difference for a bulb - from a circuit point of view it is basically a "resistor", so it will be the same either way you connect it ;)

We All Kind Knew that, but one "leg" is all coiled up towards the fillament, so I wondered what it did, and if it should be positioned a certain way :thinking:
that is freeking hysterical! I think if you look closely there are clouds inside of it....it's so big it has it's own ecosystem.

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