7 D Cell Kel-Lite Bulb

lets all welcome fresh light to CPF:welcome:

a very good question and i dont have a clue:thinking:

all i can say is you have posted in the right place;)
Thanks. It really seems that the 7 cell lights are quite a bit less common than they may have been in the past. I like the big lights cause they are hard to misplace. This is the 7D Kel with a 4 D Mag. The big one has more than once, however, been implemented for it's designed use. But, it does need a bulb.
I believe this is the large head 7D model. Has any one hotwired one of these? I'm looking for some ideas. Thanks.

Ah, now you say the magic word! We thought you were looking for a puny bulb... :p

An ROP low should do nicely as a start -- not sure about the ROP high, it may instaflash on hot batteries, but if you let them rest, I think it could work. (All depends on the resistance of that light, really...)

You could also use a PR to bipin adapter, which opens up a wider range of options, but may not focus well (I have no idea the focus range on a Kel-lite, but filaments are typically farther forward in a bi-pin to PR adapter than the original bulb -- your light may or may not be able to compensate.)

Or you could load it up with 26650 or 26700 cells for something around 18-24V, and see what kind of bulbs will work out for that -- maybe one of the PR base bulbs used in the cordless-drill-style flashlights, or of course some of the badder bi-pins.
Mag-Lite still makes one or two bulbs for 7D flashlights. They sold 7D lights until 1990.

If you do any mods to the Kel-Lite, make sure you don't melt anything. The lens and bulb holder are plastic. The switches are also rather weak and can't be repaired.
Ha, no puny bulb please. With a light as large as this I'd like to do something special. I saw the 2D Kel HID update that Mac did. That was pretty awesome. But, with the battery space available and the vintage of the light I think a big incan is the way to go.
I am new to this, so, I'll need help finding a temp appropriate glass lens and reflector/bulb assembly or suggestions.