8 bay AA charger recommendations?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 11, 2007
Damon, Tx
I'm looking into getting a new charger for some AA NiMh's. I'd like an 8 bay as we have some RC transmitters that use 8AA's as well as other AA powered devices. What else is there than the Maha 800 series? Looking to spend up to ~$60. Is the Titanium 8 bay(battery junction) a good one? Let me know what yall think...
Can't comment on the Titanium charger.

I have the Maha C800S and am very happy with it.

Ditto here for exactly the same reasons (Heli and Plank transmitters, and now my Mag85 :) )

The only problems I've had is when I've used the 'soft' charge setting, it's not sensed the end of charge for some of my AA's and kept charging for hours! (like 12!!). I no longer do a soft charge on AA's.
When they came out with LSD NiMH batteries in C and D cell sizes I decided to get the Maha MH-C8008M. Has worked fine for my AA's and AAA's too.