8X/8NX/8AX X80 Lamp Assembly LED prototype - version 1


Dec 23, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Okay - since I got this wonderful 8X from a fellow CPF'er, I knew that I had to do some sort of conversion to LED. I know it's been attempted at least once before with a not so good conclusion.

Well, here's prototype one. I do have some sort of lead in with a production facility to see if it's feasible to make this en masse. It is a Q5 Cree based unit.

It doesn't fit all the way, it's not as wide, but it has one hell of a throw and flood to it. Of course, this is why we do prototyping to begin with.

Here's pics. Let me know if this is something that's even worthwhile pursuing, otherwise it's going to be one or two one-off's....

This does use a X80 spring as a donor spring, so I will have to source that out. But so far, it works and works well without shorting itself out.

And - is there a fellow CPF'er in Phoenix or it's environs that has an 8NX or 8AX? I need to see if the head design is the same as the 8X.







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Thats a promising start, make the inner spring shorter as well as the outer and you could add more reflector width and length. I know the 8AX and 8NX differ, there is a collar in the middle piece of the 8AX the X80 sits down against. It contours to the X80. In the 8NX theres 3 rounded nitrolon nubs to center the X80, more room for wobble. I don't have a 8X to compare.

Mine are at work so I can't get you pics now.
Thats a promising start, make the inner spring shorter as well as the outer and you could add more reflector width and length. I know the 8AX and 8NX differ, there is a collar in the middle piece of the 8AX the X80 sits down against. It contours to the X80. In the 8NX theres 3 rounded nitrolon nubs to center the X80, more room for wobble. I don't have a 8X to compare.

Mine are at work so I can't get you pics now.

The 8X is similar to how you describe the 8AX - it's got this collar that the X80 totally rests in.

The spring was extended so that it would reach.

I'm going to try a runtime test now.

Well, I had to change to a slightly different driver board - the board I was using gave me insanely bright light - for 9 minutes. Then it started dropping down into an unregulated mode. The light was brighter and had more spill than my BOG, and approached the Malkoff Q5 in spill.

The new one is designed for 1x123 lights, so I'll lose some brightness but I'll likely gain a bit of battery life.

Updates as I play. I have nothing else better to do - I'm down with the flu bug...

Runtime so far using a different assembly (one designed for a 1x123) - 1:07 and still running strong.

Now if I can get the reflector to fit properly - we're set. That's the part that I may have to rely on outside intervention with.


Update: 1:49 and I'm starting to see a slight drop in light.

So - it's going stronger than the X80 incan.

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Okay - final runtime using a freshly charged B90 using a 1x123 board and a Cree Q5 - 1:57:56 before it dimmed to where it's unusable in my view.

I'm going to try a few other things. The biggest thing is the head gap, but I haven't played with any other reflectors yet.

I have taken care of the gap with an O-ring so far, so that's enough to handle things at this time.

I'm going to play with it a bit more to see how stable it will be to drops and other stuff.

Night time beam shots.

For whatever reason, this setup has some gradual spill and a tight spot throw....a bit tighter than I thought it would.

This first shot - the 1x123 driver board.


The second shot - the 2x123 driver board. This one is a bit out of focus.


A comparison - the Novatac 120

Well, I only have two prototypes at this time. I'm trying to get a supplier set up for the spring, which is the most important part of this.

I'm also having an issue with the fit of the reflector. I've got a 3/8" gap that I'm likely going to include an O-Ring on to cover the gap and some Teflon tape to help waterproof seal it.

I've promised one prototype to a fellow CPF'er to test.

So far - all of these are hand fitted. So if I can't get a supply of reflectors that are ground down, I'll have to do every one by hand.

Price is likely going to be around the cost of a BOG drop in if I have to do this by hand. I estimate production rate of 1 lamp assembly a night. Worse case - the buyer will have to give me a dead X80 assembly to give a donor spring.

If (big if) I'm able to get all the ducks in a row - sales can start within 30 days or so.

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The voltage range is in the range of the battery - 3 to 4.5 volts.

As for fitting - I know it fits the 8X. It should fit the 8AX because it has the same diameter inner ring.

The 8NX - that's the one I really need to find someone local on. It uses 3 nubs to center everything.

What's the reason you didn't use the X80 reflector? :thinking:

Probably beacsue the other reflector doesn't require any work to properly center the emitter, and the reflector is threaded to accept the emitter mounted to the module.
The X80 reflector requires that the bulb be higher inside the reflector to be used properly.

From my work in aftermarket HID headlight conversions, the location of where the filament is placed in the reflector assembly is key to a conversion. A custom tower would have to be built and fit through the diameter of the stock reflector with the LED mounted.

And - A stock X80 incan has it's throw because of the way the reflector is dished and it's position within the reflector. If you stand a bulb on its end and look at it from the side, the X80 bulb gives off it's flood from the light from the 9 to 12 to 3 o'clock position. The throw part comes from the light shown in the 9 to 6 to 3 o'clock position and is focused by the deeper dish bowl at the bottom of the dish.

This is why Koala's and Yclo's E series tower is all flood and little throw. An LED is only capable of shining in a limited angle compared to an incan.

So - I decided to use the D26 sized reflector. I was able to make a P60 LED work fine.

There was a catch with it though, the wrap of the battery has to be reduced around the B90's negative ring. This makes it harder for the theoretical P61 LED that Surefire's going to release to fit as well.

That then prompted me to build up some custom lamp assemblies using a proper X80 spring.

So far, the D26 sized reflector is capable of a similar degree of throw to the X80, and has way better flood.

So, that's been my research on it. Hope it makes sense.