$94 2D ROP, no (permanant) mods


Jan 8, 2007
Hi all,

Just thought I'd share my first attempt at a high-powered creation. I wanted something somewhat easy to pop my cherry, so to speak, so I wanted mainly a "bolt-on" mod, here's what I bought:

1 2D Maglight from Target, $11.82+tax=$12.71
1 UCL lens from Flashlightlens $5.25 shipped
1 FiveMega dual-function MOP reflector $32.50 shipped
1 Pelican 3854 dual-bulb pack from MEI Research Corp $12.09 shipped
1 Ultrafire WF-139 Charger from Kaidomain $12.82 shipped
1 Foam pipe insulation piece from Home Depot .98+tax=$1.05
2 LG Li-ion 19650 2400mAh batteries w/tabs $16.61 + shipping=~$18.00
(this was part of a large order so the shipping is just estimated)

Total: $94 give or take a few cents

I actually had the UCL already but if I were starting from scratch, it would be $5.25. While I was at Home Depot I stumbled upon some pipe insulation tubing that looked like the perfect dimensions of the D-cell on the outer diameter and an 18650 on the inner. I thought I had some at home so I didn't buy any. I had it at home so, again, I saved the 98 cents. The tubing was almost perfect but not quite. I had to shave a little off the outside with a razor. Then it slid right in and I cut off the rest (it comes in 4' length, enough for probably 10+ ROPs). I put the batteries in and they fit perfectly. The MOP was the most expensive part by far but I got the FiveMega for two reason: 1) Nodoby else had one at the time, and 2) It came highly recommended and has the dual-function capability.

As of today, I received everything except for the battery charger. The batteries had 3.8 volts so I figured I'd fire it up. Everything went together fine. I made no modifications to the switch, spring, or tailcap. I figured I'd just try it to see what happens. Well, it was a little tight but I got the tailcap on. I clicked it on and, well, I was a little underwhelmed. Of course, it was during the day. Then I threw my C3 w/P90 on the wall, followed by the ROP, well, wow, the ROP is a LOT brighter. Then my M3 w/MN11 v. the ROP, WOW, the ROP kicks its ***. hmmm. Maybe this thing is really bright. Fast forward to tonight. I took the ROP outside for a few minutes. DAMN, this thing kicks ***. I was shining the tops of trees a block away and they looked like my wall did from 8 feet. This thing is a white-light thrower. It is by far the brightest and longest thrower I have, all for $88 (plus the $6 in parts I already had). This was all with 7.6V out of the batteries (unloaded).

I can't wait to give the batteries a full charge. I did take the batteries out to see what the voltage was and I was surprised that I really didn't lose any voltage after my few minutes of use but I did notice that the spring diameter at the point of contact with the battery is approximately the same as the battery diameter. This caused a slight amount of the outer plastic cover of the battery to be pushed off from the spring. My one and only modification was to bend the last winding of the spring half-way across so that the spring could not slide across the battery anymore. I thought this may have altered the clearance enough to not allow the tailcap to go on but I was wrong, it screwed right back on.

Maybe next will be something the 4,000 lumen range :grin2:
I built my 2D ROP almost exactly the same way as you. If you do the switch and tailspring resistance mods, you will pick up another ~50 lumens out the front :)

My 2D with the HOLA comes in about 550-600 lumens, and that is with the resistance fix. I have the LOLA installed in a 2C, and get 250-275 lumens out of that set-up(resistance fixes as well).

I was actually a little dissapointed with my ROP HOLA because I thought mine was gonna be as bright as the other ROP's that I have seen(4D w/6subC's). But because of our battery set-up, we lose a bit of output(~200 lumens) due to the lack of battery capacity...since the ROP bulbs draw so much current under load.

But all in all, it really is a good set-up for the money. Not to mention the fact that it is super easy to put together. If I had the choice I would take my 2D-600 lumen set-up over a 4D-800 lumen set-up, because of the size and weight difference....just my opinion :touche:
Be gentle with your new 18650 cells. 3.8 volts (under zero load) is a pretty long ways from fully charged. Most of their juice is between 3.8 and 4.2 volts. There's a little more below 3.8, but not too much. Once they hit 3.0 volts, they're empty. Overdischarging them shortens their lifespan. Severe overdischarge can result in overheating during the next charge cycle, and possibly fire or explosion.

I'd wait for your charger, and fill them up before you play any more. You didn't mention in your post whether these cells were protected or not.
They're non-protected and they are over 3.7V now. I'm just playing around with the light at this point and have only used it for about 60 seconds since the last time I checked the voltage. Its just fun to see how far this thing throws but I realize these cell shouldn't be drained too low. I can't wait for the charger. Since I have neighbors in every direction I think I'm going to take it to the forest preserve 2 blocks away as soon as I charge the batts up.