A message to all gamers: play Portal!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
I went through it all in one setting yesterday. It's not very long, but I had more fun playing it than anything else I've played in the last year. The idea is great, the execution is great, the plot is weird but great, and the main opponent is great.

And there's a song involved that's been bouncing in my head since yesterday.

Play it!

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I agree completely
main game only took about 3 hours, but very entertaining and hope more quality bonus maps will be available soon.


so it will only take me 10 hours then right :)
Valve, it looks interesting, cause i playes halflife, but they required like 3 hours of downloading and installing and activating, and all that other junk.
the total halflife and halflife 2 instalation mess was all over my puter.

how long does it take to setup a game that only plays for 3 hours? well 10 for me :)

so do you watch the movie CUBE and Hypercube (cubeII) for the associated movie?
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I loved the game. It was worth the price of the orange box by itself. I can't wait for expansions for it.

The Cake is a Lie!
Well, the 'pedia usually has slimmed-down plot summaries that don't reveal everything. It often tells you what's happening and why, but doesn't tell you how things end.
It tells you just that in that entry, though, so you should avoid it if you haven't played the game. ;)

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