Roland Gama

Newly Enlightened
Aug 29, 2008
Mag D host.
Cree XR E with aspherical lens and custom bezel.
copper heat sink with DX 5 mode driver at 2.1 A max.
Four eneloops.

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Re: Losing length from the front end-Anyone?

Re: Losing length from the front end-Anyone?

Seems like a strange title for this thread. What exactly do you mean? Might get more people to come in here and see this great light if you changed the title.:shrug:
Re: Losing length from the front end-Anyone?

Saabluster thanks for the tip.
I came across a lot of mag mods in this forum wherein every one cuts short the length from the tail cap side. Some even do a clicky switch on the tail cap thus further shortening the mag.
What I have done is to keep the original switch which is great in itself and reduce the length by about 20 mm from the reflector end by reworking it.
Thus you can see in the picture above that though the mag carries an aspherical lens with a lens protector yet it is still the same length to the standard one next to it. Also there is enough dead space left to hold a decent heat sink and a driver.
My intention on this thread is just the practical technical aspect and not as a sales thread.
Also interesting is another model wherein I used 4 x CR123A with the front end shortened thus producing a very short mag. Picture added. Imagine the small size with a tail cap switch!

Do you have a better title for this thread and how do I change it now?
Re: Losing length from the front end-Anyone?

Go to the first post and click edit then go advanced to change the title.

The image size limit for the forum is 800x600 so you might want to shrink your pics a bit.

Looks like a great mod!
I haven't seen anyone taking material off the front of a Mag before.

The bezel looks nice too and I'm guessing you are getting a lot of throw considering how far the LED is being pushed.
Re: Losing length from the front end-Anyone?

Mag D host.
Cree XR E with aspherical lens and custom bezel.
copper heat sink with DX 5 mode driver at 2.1 A max.
Four eneloops.

Running an XR-E at 2.1A... :eek: Poor boy... :sweat:
I'm wondering how long he will last :poof: when using the light continously on high. :crazy:
Re: Losing length from the front end-Anyone?

What 5 mode driver did you use from DX that gives you 2.1A max? I like it!:D

Nice mod!
Thanks Gunner.
Icarus/Alex- The driver is a 1A 5 mode driver using a two level 1A slave with the chips knocked out.
The LED should not burn out as the high power is not used continuously besides having other lower powers at hand for that purpose.
Even otherwise changing the led is easy and well worth it for the amount of joy it gives at high power.