A Simple Trick to Customize The UI on the EagleTac M2/X


Apr 25, 2001
I believe I have come up with a way to make the UI on the EagleTac M2, and M2X, adjustable. Best of all it is very simple to do, does not require taking the light apart, or soldering, and can be completely temporary.

Here is what you need:


What you are seeing in front of my flashlights is a stack of small Neodymium magnets. What I have discovered, is that the UI on the M2, and M2x is sensitive to the magnets. It takes a little experimenting to find the perfect placement, as well as the right size, or number of magnets, and each light is a little different.

The location I have found that works the best, and is the easiest, is right on the fat ridged part of the ring that contains the metal UI activator strip. The magnet will attach there without any glue, pretty firmly, so it can be entirely temporary.


Now, on my M2, this works perfectly (for me). My UI on the M2 now has three levels, and at the turbo level, there is a lot of room, until it bumps up against the detent. At that point, if I forcibly hold it against that detent, I can have strobe come on momentarily. With this configuration, I never accidentally activate strobe, and I still have strobe if I need it. Of course I could also quickly remove the magnet, and the light is restored to its original UI.

On my M2x, the light is a little different. The positioning of that ring is in a slightly different location, but if I swap the tail from my M2, it works, so the way the tail and head line up seems to be slightly different from light to light.

The best thing to do is to experiment with different locations for the magnets. Another location is on the body, right over the EagleTac logo. The magnet doesn't stick there, but you could glue it. You can also hold the magnet there, and slide it back and forth, and create different UI's. There are also places on the light where you can stick the magnet, and eliminate the strobe completely, or reverse it so that it comes on before the low setting. Experimenting with the magnets, or even stacking magnets for different strength produces a variety of UI's, one that is sure to please everyone.

Hope you all find this useful, and it sparks more creativity in customizing these wonderful lights. :)
Very interesting ... and a promising alternative.

Are there any drawbacks, like inducing the transferrance of the magnetization to the flashlight (permanently changing the flashlight) or the high power magnet affecting the electronic driver? I'm not sure how sensitive the M2's internal electronic components are. :shrug:

Perhaps one of our CPF electronic guru's could apprise us of the risks (or lack thereof).

On a positive note, the magnets are so strong you could probably stick the M2 onto your refrigerator. ;)
That is a good question. I have not had any "side effects" with my lights yet, although I have just been doing this for a few hours.

I have a new modification. I took a zip tie, and snugged it around the base of the head, right over the logo. I then attached a tiny Neo magnet to the zip tie. Now I have a second adjustable ring, that I turn to select the type of UI I want the main ring to have.


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