A truly weird tale I'd never heard of before...

Wow ! ! ! :eeksign:

Very strange, indeed !

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. :thumbsup:

Oughta' be:

Soon to be a Major Motion Picture.


Insert famous person of your choice here.

"The Dyatlov's slept on the empty rucksacks wrapped themselves in the wool blankets. They only had one flashlight and used it sparingly to save the battery. It was later found on the tent's roof left in the switched-on position as if somebody tried to mark the tent's location."

Always a connection..
Interesting story. So their one and only flashlight was switched on and left at the tent. In 1959 what kind of batteries would be available? Some old incan left in the cold probably would fail to emit light in a short period of time, possibly making it impossible to find the tent again. I like that Dave guy's theory. For some reason they had to rush away from their tents and just got lost in the dark and froze to death, fell off cliffs, etc.
:tinfoil:Clearly it was aliens from a distant planet working with a shadow soviet organization to conceal some experiment with mind control gone awry. Duh. Piece it together people.
Or maybe Dave is right. LOL.
While creepy, the one detail that stands out for me is the missing tounge.

Anyone know if it's possible to chew your tongue off if you're shivering/freezing to death?

Or after she died could an animal have come along and had a snack? :sick2:
I posted a comment, but the comment window is either closed or the admin has to review it. Either way, here's my take:

The girl with the missing tongue was assaulted by another member of the team.

At some point during the night, there is a heated argument between this girl and some other particular member of the team - the dispute turns violent inside the cramped tent; which is cramped enough that she cannot quickly exit by conventional means, so being cornered and out of options she frantically slices her way out and runs outside, followed immediately by her attacker, and not far behind the entire rest of the team, doing their best to calm/resolve the situation.

Dyatlov quickly places the flashlight atop the tent thinking that the chase won't take more than a hundred yards or so and then everyone will promptly return to the tent. This point is crucial - had some large event taken place that caused the entire team to flee as in an emergency, the team leader would have without question taken the flashlight with him. He instead left it as a short-distance beacon.

The chase drags out for over a mile until the girl can run no farther, and the attacker finally is upon her with a knife (perhaps her own) and proceeds to remove her tongue. The team then wrestles with the attacker in complete darkness, which results in four of the group falling into a ravine and dying instantly.

The remaining five now have no idea where they are, and immediately plan for survival; They quickly build a fire and set up an impromptu camp. There are a few different ways the story can progress from here (the least experienced stayed behind and the most experienced tried to trek back, some died quickly so the remainder then left for the tent, etc), but in the end, they simply didn't know how far they were from the tent, or even what direction they were in relation to it, aside from "downhill". This would indicate that it was dark enough that they couldn't see their own footprints in the snow.

I'd attribute the snow on the one side of the tent to be a simple snow drift on an unmaintained tent. It's clearly not enough to be a small avalanche, and even if it were, the team wouldn't have run that far.

The radioactivity that was found wasn't enough to cause burns or even create a symptom of its being present, which would indicate that it was very low-level, which could be attributed to anything; In an era where pottery and watch-faces were highly radioactive, having an article of clothing that registers modestly on a Geiger counter would probably not be so unusual.

The orange skin and white hair would most likely have something to do with the mortician - even if their hair were white when they arrived, the mortician would have the option to dye it. That he didn't would indicate some error or aesthetic taste on his part.
StarHalo, you've been watching too many B movies. Are you serious?! Man, you just gave me a good hearty laugh!
First of all, I don't know with your experience outdoors, but with mine when it comes to group excursions assaulting your companion is the least of anyone's priority, specially in a situation the group was in at that time. Secondly, let's say you are right. The girl with the missing tongue was assaulted, how come she had the time to fully get dressed to go out but no time to exit the tent properly? Thirdly, whats the point of cutting the tongue, where as the supposed killer could have just easily stabbed her or strangled her? Keep in mind it's very hard to cut a tongue in a complete darkness. Finally to put the last nail in your absurd theory, did you read the fact that there was no sign of struggle, blood, nor any external sign on injury to all of the body? If there was a carnage like you said there was, there should be blood everywhere, the body of the girl should have atleast bruising, but there was none.
By the way this is my take on what happened.

1. The group got lost and just decided to settle down and camp out for the night. The wind and snow are blowing hard, low visibility and very dark. They didn't know the location they have slight idea of the over all terrain of their campsite. In their situation the group are kinda jumpy and uneasy. In my experience some group of campers assign lookouts or watchmen for the whole night to guard the campsite. Two people at a time for certain hours, maybe an hour or so by each group, when your duty is over you wake up the next group. Maybe they did this, hence there are only four people fully dressed for the cold. They might be in the process of changing duties, and the first group did not sleep right away and hang out with the lookouts.

2. In the middle of night a big patch of snow fell on the campsite. Maybe a small avalanche, enough to partly bury the tent, but big enough to cause chaos. Now the 4 people watching the campsite started screaming to wake up the other campers, and started running for their lives. Hence they are farther away when their body was found, maybe they kept running until they fell on the ravine. The rest of the campers after waking up in chaos and partially buried in snow, thinking there might be another avalanche coming down ripped open the tent from the inside and escaped as fast as they can hence the fact that they where not fully dressed for the cold.

3. As for what caused the snow to come down, I don't know. There was just a snow storm and the snow might be unstable. Or maybe a military missile exploded form the other side of the mountain and vibration set of the avalanche. As for the missing tongue on one of the girl, I can only think of two reasons for that, it might have been bitten by herself accidentally during the commotion, or an animal must have eaten it. Sometimes I accidentally bite my tongue, specially when I'm tense. One time I bit t so hard it bled really bad. I remember too one time when I was in high school a kid accidentally bit his tongue during a fight, it was so bad they have to bring him to the hospital. So biting her own tongue is a possibility. One conflict of evidence though is the fact that there was no blood at the scene, nor on the body of the deceased. If the tongue was injured while the girl was alive their would have been blood all over her. So I'm thinking that a scavenger animal might have eaten it after the girl died.

4. As for the other bodies with extensive internal injuries. The only plausible cause that I can think of that can make that kind of injury is falling and being buried under a lot of weight. Maybe the four people ran in panic and the night is very dark that they don't know where they are going. They fell into the ravine, and got buried under for feet of snow, thats why the some of the rib cage collapse under the weight of the snow.
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Here's another interesting theory. If a missile/explosive was detonated nearby, the unexplainable injuries could've been caused by the force of the blast. This might be a stretch, but sound energy (a sonic boom, if you will) moving through the air can be intense enough to cause traumatic internal injury- not a scratch.

Car accident victims often have massive internal injuries because of the sudden forces being subjected to their bodies. I recall an episode of "Future Weapons" where the concussive force of an explosive is used as a weapon. This is, of course, meant to cause damage on the outside as well.
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