A2 and Tenergy question.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 13, 2007
Hi All,
I have just purchaced a Surefire A2 (my first Surefire), now the waiting for it to arrive.

All of my Fenix lights (AA and AAA) I use NiMH rechargable cells. This A2 is my first excursion into the world of 123 powered lights.

I have done quite a bit of reading on the A2 (like there is a lack of material on the A2, eh? lol) and am confused about how good of an idea rechargable cells would be. If I cannot use rechargable cells, this light may not get much use, as I really don't want to be ordering them all the time online, and there is no way I will pay retail price for these cells, no matter how good the light is.

I have been looking at this combo and hoping that it would be good to feed my (hopefully) new EDC.
Link: http://www.batteryjunction.com/4parc390reli.html

I have read that some have used rechargables with no problems, but others say not to..........what to do:candle::sigh:

Any help from somebody with experience would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks in advance.

First I would say to buy that battery set that you are looking at, then depending on what the color of your leds are, if the are red then I think you are ok as the can withstand a higher voltage, but if not red then buy a new leds ring from atomic chicken, install and now you can use rcr123's. there is no need to do anything with the incadecent lamp as it is regulated so It can handle the higher voltage.

I hope this helps.
I always thought reds had a lower vf(2.2 instead of 3.3) and burned out faster; but then again I ran my red A2 on r123's for a while and didn't notice any loss in output.

As for rechargeables cpf member AW's protected r123's are the best quality; though they may or may not fit your a@ without modification.

If you're brave enough to take a small fine half-moon file to the tail end of your A2 you can widen the "brass retaining ring" to allow the use of rechargeables; I did it to mine(although with a lathe) and haven't looked back.

Back on topic, I've heard good things about the tenergy batteries; you should probably get 3.6v ones instead, as the 3v ones supposedly have an internal regulator which might not handle the incadescent's draw all too well.
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Thanks for the early replies.

I have ordered white LEDs in the A2.

I have also read, you can fit the rechargables into the A2 by removing the covering of the cells and replacing with tape. If I were to modify something, I would rather it be the few dollar battery, as opposed to the 150 dollar plus light. lol

I have am looking into the replacement LED ring right now, thanks for the suggestion.

all other points of view are welcome.

Received my A2. Even with the short time I have used it so far, WOW, very impressed. The build quality is just awesome, and the output is great (is the LED output really only 3 lumens). This light is for me.

I have ordered the RCR kit I mentioned in my first post. Hopefully they fit inside this light. I have also sent a PM to Atomic Chicken requesting a quote with shipping for one of his custom LED rings. I have not received a response yet, but I'm not sure if he is accepting international orders yet.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to thank everybody who sold me on the A2 by giving all the good reviews.

I have received both the A2 and the RCR's.

My conclusion: Awesome!

Althought I should hang my head in shame, I have scratched the light already - not even a week as a shelf queen; ah well, guess that means I don't have to worry about the light, just use it as it was ment to be used.

RCR's made by Tenergy fit just fine if you take the label off; not the clear plastic covering, only the advertising wrapper. I see no differance in LED or Incan preformance (to my eyes), but the only thing I do not know is what the long term affect these RCR's will have on the LED, cross that bridge when I come to it.

Even thought I am VERY happy with this light, I am probably still going to order a replacement LED ring from AtomicChicken when he offers International shipping. Now to decide colour options..........
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I have received both the A2 and the RCR's.

My conclusion: Awesome!

Althought I should hang my head in shame, I have scratched the light already - not even a week as a shelf queen; ah well, guess that means I don't have to worry about the light, just use it as it was ment to be used.

Only the first one pains. Second one will be done without a notice :]

Get it of that shelf and start using it :]
Canadabright, would you do an incandescent runtime test with your freshly charged Tenergy's? :popcorn:
Canadabright, would you do an incandescent runtime test with your freshly charged Tenergy's? :popcorn:

Just ran a set for a full test. Kinda dissapointed, about 27 minutes on high. Oh well, I have 2 sets of rechargables, and usually only use a light for short bursts (30 seconds to 2 minutes) at a time. The charger for the Tenergy cells also came with the car charger, so I guess that makes recharging as easy as possible.
27 minutes isn't bad considering you are probably not overdriving the stock LEDs. Standard R123's only deliver about 35 minutes, but I think your Tenergy solution is practically a better option. Thanks for the info! :)
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